
As a long-time rider, I call bullshit on this whole scenario. (“Jim, stop busting the fare beaters! Make it so, Number 1!”) Those machines go down CONSTANTLY and Miguel must be there SOME of the time.

It may have already. I have a 17 yo niece named Maude and she has a classmate named Maude. It may be the next Emma.

I lived in Bath for a while in the late 70s.  This was true of the residents then, for sure.

The Hannaford in Bar Harbor....

I heard those terms mostly from salespeople. Market info people never used them (at least that I heard) because neither term actually means anything. You might as well say ‘detailed’ and ‘far-ranging’ or ‘lots’—as in ‘lots of data.’

Look out for this one too: ‘calendarize,’ meaning ‘schedule,’ e.g., “I am going to calendarize that meeting with my boss.”

I was in Newark airport on Monday as an escort for my under-15 niece and nephew. Went through security 1st time: kept my shoes on, kept my ipad in my bag, didn’t require any further screening. I had to leave the gates, which meant I had to go through security a 2nd time, about 15 mins later. Same line: had to take my

Michael, the thing I love most about your writing is how impervious it is to jargon. Your example of ‘unpack,’ above, is what I mean.

Starred for Becky with the Bad Bread.  That shit is FOUL.

Had this for the first time at one of those big cattle ranches in Hawaii.  Amazing.

This is a very GTD thing.  Back in the analog days, I used to sort tasks according to whether I needed to use a phone or a computer and whether I needed to be in the office (access to paper files).

I worked for a company that sold advertising to packaged-goods companies and, in the 90s, we had a PRINTED brochure that listed one of the advantages of our advertising as “promotes panty loading.”

You are my hero today.

There is no argument for any kind of clothing that can reasonably be illustrated by pics of Kim Kardashian.  The minute I see her, I am going:  Nope.  Nope.  Nope.

My niece who is half-Jamaican is living with me for the summer.  I have told ALL my neighbors and my tenants because I am not having the cops show up here, complaining about a teenaged girl breaking and entering.

PwaP: There are different levels and types of trust, fyi. After 35 years in corporate America, I had a lot of male colleagues I would trust in a professional setting—but about 5 I would trust personally. All of them behaved professionally, treated me with respect and mentored me (or were mentored by me) without issue.

Now, if someone would only re-write the book that way....

That is really what this whole exchange is about, isn’t it?  That’s this organization’s MO.

we had a nun in high school who looked exactly like this. Sister Catherine.

Hey, hey, hey.  Don’t be stealing Rude Negro’s bit.