Ah, that's really informative. Thank you.
Ah, that's really informative. Thank you.
Christ, that's depressing.
I'm asking as a non-American here, but would anyone mind taking a minute to explain why the NRA is such a powerful organisation and why they seem to be so pandered to? I understand that their primary argument against gun control is that it's an amendment right to bear arms, but didn't Obama succinctly address that…
Perhaps, but that letter did not have to be written. His support could have remained silent, instead he chose to downplay the nature of his crime and its impact on another human being. Father and son are both garbage human beings.
“Let’s get the factual facts out there.”
Under the guise of #YAAAAS
This is excellent! I’m so happy for you, Internet Stranger! ^_^
I had the exact same thought. Definitely the poodle skirts and ‘housewife’ imagery.
RiRi’s boots, though. Was wondering when they’d pop up.
Like this. Like this a lot, I do.
The thing I found most interesting about that piece was the bit about celebrities’ contracts including clauses that allowed them to delete the post after several days. So not only do they quite evidently not use the product themselves but they don’t even stand by it in principle and the money typically goes towards…
How? How is it the tell of a chauvinist?
Speculating here but perhaps commitment for commitment’s sake when Kim was so universally panned for her 72-day marriage? It might actually look worse for Kylie if she were seen to be having “too many” partners when her relationship was so widely criticised due to their ages. Being branded a ‘slut’ would probably kill…
Ah, you’re right. I didn’t bother to read that far. Guess I’d gotten bored of her by the end. The title of her book is equally annoying. People need to be careful with their use of definitive articles.
Oh ok, I’m not familiar with her but her writing didn’t seem SO preposterous that it clearly read as humour. Just seems like a bad article on all fronts, really
As an introvert and someone with social anxiety as well as a best friend of someone with sever clinical depression, I moved between finding it amusing in its ridiculousness and just outright offensive. This article is demonstrative of the authors incredibly low bar for people’s ability (both those with and without…
This article seemed so....ham-fisted that it almost reads as tongue in cheek. Recommending that you fake migraines and then be thankful for perhaps eventually suffering from them? I’m sorry, what is this nonsense?
do you get offended professionally or is it something you do in your spare time?
I feel bad for suggesting this...but does having once been involved in a public shooting really make you an expert to such a degree that you ought to be consulted about how future public shootings would be better handled? He might be right, teachers having guns in that particular indident MAY have helped (though…