
Ohei I got told that too. It was followed by a list of my ‘faults’ that “weren’t my fault” to justify breaking up with me after if literally flown around the world to be with him, for example my social anxiety would prevent him from socialising with ‘low class’ people at Burning Man.

And it’s BCO all over again, suggesting that the onus is on the victim of the clearly abhorrent service to go to extra lengths the make amends lest if ‘affect everyone’. Alternative take: how’s about the restaurant staff take that into consideration before they open their big, stupid, homophobic mouths?

This is a really useful discussion to have with yourself because I agree that there aren’t any black-and-white, correct/incorrect perspectives that apply to ALL situations, as this list very convincingly states.

and that is an astute response that is outstandingly well-articulated =)

Rage. All the rage at this one.

This just reminded me of a woman who used to be a colleague of mine (I’m still writing my thesis, she has since finished and secured a lectureship position at a not-highly-ranked university in London)

Now you just sound completely incoherent. do you, man. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

I don’t think he said that at all, nor was that his tactic. Yes, he could have discussed those who were hiring, but he wasn’t putting down Jennifer Lawrence.

I don’t even think he was saying that, I think he was saying something more along the lines of “don’t think that if white actresses achieve pay equality, don’t assume it will immediately apply to actresses of colour”

please find that quote for me.

No, but there’s no harm in being an ally so long as you’re not also behaving as though you deserve a cookie for it. It seemed to me like he was raising a genuine issue and did so in a totally legitimate and sincere way.

Well, I know laptops etc bother a lot of people, for me it’s the entertainment system on the back of seats. I took 12 flights last year, 8 were long haul 12+ hours. On more than one occasion I wasn’t able to view the screen clearly because the angle I was able to change the screen didn’t compensate for the extent of

Like I said, politeness and etiquette. Yes, it is physically possible to recline your seat back fully but just like many things in life, just because you can doesn’t mean that you SHOULD. The fact that money has exchanged hands doesn’t entitle somebody to be an asshole.

Disagree entirely about the allocation of space. It’s absurd to think that somebody seated in front of me is entitled to the functional space immediately in front of me and that I should acquiesce to their desire to recline without complaint regardless of how much it affects my comfort and ability to eat, use a

Quite a few airlines have done that now. They're often designed so that they are reclined slightly but have no mechanism to move back further. I think they're preferred because they're cheaper to produce and avoid confrontations between passengers though naturally some people hate them.

My thoughts exactly!

Is it?

True of most instances on the list really. That sense of entitlement is the problem.

Not checked through all of the comments so perhaps this has been mentioned already and if it has please feel free to disregard this but if it hasn’t, can we please address the issue of reclining?

And yet to my entirely untrained, kickboxing-background eye that just looks and like a desperately unhealthy foot about to snap O_o the rest of her however, is stunning.