I don’t even play English games without subtitles, so if anything, I am excited about the chance to experience a different language in a new medium.
I don’t even play English games without subtitles, so if anything, I am excited about the chance to experience a different language in a new medium.
I don’t know if this is possible, but something exactly identical graphically, ONLY because that worked, and nothing else really has for me so far, and has the amazing exploratory side-scroll adventure gameplay of the first 3+Knuckles. I still play those games once every few years or so.
This is pretty much the most common retail tactic in existence, used by every retailer I have recalled, including amazon, and every company that has ever tried to sell something. If something has EVER been at a price (especially legitimately), then it is a legitimate thing to say “Originally XXX price”. That doesn’t…
Perhaps you shall change your name to Felicia, and we shall all collectively say “’Bye!”
I haven’t yet played bloodborne, but I totally agree.
Drunk Souls sounds amazing.
I really only have one rule, and it has served me well in friendships: don’t expect the money back, and if they don’t pay it back, don’t ever loan them money again. EVER. Friends that don’t pay you back will never ever pay you back for anything ever. Friends that do will always do so, and will usually be great friends…
I did this on the dancer. I DO keep them hotkeyed for that reason, but that was the only fight that I was like “oh hell no.” and noped the f out of that bad boy.
The good news about the internet is that you get to reach out to some amazing people that will never have seen you work, and meet people you will have never met!
Dark Souls 3. I can’t recommend it. Or stop playing it.
I sat in whatever area or whatever this was for hours. I remember this song so well! I sing it in my songs to my dogs some times...
I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed all of your articles this weekend. I probably won’t make it to each one to comment, but I want you to know I read them all. This one is fantastic, and I’d love to add that Earthbound’s food selection was exquisite. Especially trash can hamburgers.
Roger, thanks for the clarification!
Please tell me what this steampunk is. A google search brings up horrible things when you search “Steampunk”.
Carry on. It’s a great game! Worth finishing! I totally know how life gets in the way, though. I still haven’t finished 3D dot heroes...
Basic household maintenance- fixing minor clogs in drains, cleaning washing machines/dryers, replacing outlets and light switches, and I know this isn’t like “household” skills, but learning to cook something that didn’t come out of a package. All nice, practically unnecessary skills that will save major bucks as an…
Especially the map one. Also, N/S/E/W directions. GPS-style hold-your-hand and show the virtual road/destination is dangerously imbecilic and simple. If you are driving, you should also know how to navigate to some degree. Nothing crazy, but especially where you live, where you work- the immediate vicinity.
you meant to correct as #1
Super good point and advice, but it will still be abnormal. If they were to over-reach like this, it would set a precedent for protecting individuals when they are in the media fray, which could also be bad. This is just a jacked up situation. If nothing more, N Japan could/should take action against said manager due…
Typically your hiring manager/ operating manager is in charge of terminations as well. In this situation, given the very little information we have, if they fired here because of this harassment, this was bad judgement for her hiring manager/ operating manager. If the parent company overstepped that, it would be…