
Visions series are non-canon, unfortunately!

If inflammation is an issue, which it generally is, then yes. Best advice not found here is raw garlic and lots of water for symptoms. 

Everything in the “reverse diet” sounds just identical to a “diet”... Tracking your calories is tracking your calories. Adding calories or taking away calories is still restrictions at the end of the day.

For some, Elden Ring is 60$, which is 4 months of Game Pass Ultimate.

Once you buy digital only dlc for a disc based game, you should have this for free legally. What are you going to do with dlc if you don't have the disc? You can't give it or sell it with the game disc... 

Jolly Co-operation!

This perfectly sums it up for me!

It’s all about use case. If you want a full-time tablet? DO NOT go cheap. If you want something to just do one thing, or just consume media, and use it occasionally? Meh! Just keep in mind that higher patience comes with the lower price! But yes, totally agreed on spending more for better, even if it takes saving up

It’s all about use case. If you want a full-time tablet? DO NOT go cheap. If you want something to just do one

You won’t need a gaming PC to play it, but I don’t think it’s coming anywhere else for now. Min reqs are potato. I am surprised to see it coming to xbox, personally!

Yes, and it isn’t the first article proclaiming the same thing... The bestbuy service thing is a hell of a deal for someone who could use tech support... AND you get that added benefit. I totally agree that if you were buying it just for the chance to get a new system, it would be a scam. But that isn’t all it comes

It’s kind of a weird recommend, but I would say Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain is a great game to start slow. It will ramp up as high as you will go automatically. It is an action game, but it can be played stealth, strategy, or straight guns blazing- no wrong answer. The older games in the series were heavily tuned

it’s IN the bible... Matthew 7 pretty much goes over this in detail. “For if you do not ask for something, how can you receive it”... something along these lines. 

But if EVERYTHING replaces foot for meter, the world is just bigger =D

I have always had feet switched to meters for distance, etc. No horrible things have happened so far.

Or any of the other issues with them, like in two Elite Series 2 where buttons just... stop working correctly. I have OG Sega Genesis controllers that still work flawlessly. There is no excuse for a ~1yr old controller to do this, and even less excuse for them to refuse to fix it for less than 100$. 

#1 on this list imo should be a new controller. 8bitdo has a great selection of controllers, and they far exceed the pro controller imo.

they make covers that aren’t crinkly, but they are more expensive

This is the absolute correct answer, and what I came to say! AND RAM is the key here. Intel requires a mobo changeover every other gen, so def not just mobo change. Once your RAM is a gen behind and you start noticing slowness or bottleneck from specifically CPU, then it’s time to upgrade.