
My only advice is the same thing my wife uses, and she LOVES to sleep in late: WAKE UP! Don’t stay in bed, put your feet on the floor. Set your alarm for way too early (2-3hrs) for several days and immediately put your feet on the floor. This certainly may not work for you, but it does wonders for her! After a week or

Cheese should be involved in the cooking process when it comes to burgers. =]

I’ve never done the rubbing the chopsticks things because I’m concerned the food will run away and I need to catch it with little sticks, so I get right to work.

I would only agree that you should try the food without salt. After that, it’s on you! My roommate is guilty of adding salt to everything, or in some cases, asking if salt has already been added. Even if it has been added, he likes the added salt. No offense taken as long as he tries the food (for the first time)

Correct. Not everyone has an hair pick. This one is on the silly side =]

This a great, heartwarming store. Games are important to peoples’ lives!

Totally agreed! The endgame has always suffered. I love that they added so much story- even the side quests offer a lot of depth. Usually one multi- quest story line per area so far in my experience.

I’ll vouch for ffxiv. It’s got a TON of content since the expansion, even if you are playing solo. The story, even on the sidequests, is awesome in the new content. As far as a timesink, that is exactly what it is, but I just limit it to a couple/few hours a day, or one or two complete quests. I totally would say it’s

Thank you.

By far my proudest trophy: Cowbear.

I would like to respectfully challenge and invigorate you!

I agree with the article on the points of “Nintendo should not have stood up a poorly implemented service, or should have planned around an explosion of popularity”, and so agree with your point- even if 1TB was 1000$/each, they should bare the cost!

I can vouch for this. GREAT tips from AB!

I was shocked when I read what you said about Morrowind, because the last time I played (Win8.1) it was fine! So I went back to see what I could find on Win10!

This could be a valid point, if it is a valid reality.

I would be down for this. I look great in a bikini. I mean, I think I look great in a bikini, and that’s what matters.

Top comment.

Tried this and it looks super weird with my JNCOs.

I think this is the first arcade shooter I've been excited for since... QuakeIII? It looks amazing.

I hope he meant 1/4, if not, hilarious.