
Perhaps i used the wrong term but she did state here "so it's not just Americans who are the subject of his ire", i do not think that he was being negative or angry towards them. And actually it does mean a lot because in the UK a lot of people do not realize their class privilege.

But he didn't lie about it, the show was created by a upper class conservative who wishes that the UK was still like that.

He wasn't being negative towards Americans, also when people benefit from the class system in the UK they are the ones that normally praise it, for him to call it out for being backwards is a big deal. You do seem pressed about his American comment and you did miss the point about his class system comment (he knows

That's such a ridiculous response. People can care about more than one thing at a time, you know. If someone complained about a restaurant on Yelp, would you jump in screaming, "Stop complaining about how your pizza was burnt! THERE ARE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA!!"

There are more adult women playing games then pre-teen boys who publishers seem to think are still their bread and butter. If games don't show more diversity they'll just perpetuate that this is a boys club - which alienates them to a market that is 51 % of the Earth's population. That's not smart business. That's

Well, a lot of women care. But who cares what they think, right?

So, people have a beef with what is being represented, and you have a beef with that. You then defend yourself by saying I'm not a privileged white male, which means you can speak for all non-whites and non-males, that they should not be offended. You also are presuming to speak for white males that actually want

Demo, if any company should be receptive to questions and potential criticism about the handling of diversity in their games, it's Ubisoft.

Well, it's really a big deal because:

"It's all for fun!" Says a guy who never has to worry about being represented.

Look, I get it. You don't think about it, because you're always represented. But why do you have the dismiss people who don't feel the same way you do? This isn't even a social justice thing, this is a "I want to play the game as someone who

It's more the fact that when asked why there wasn't a female in AC:U (set in a period where a woman was one of the biggest assassins and women in general played a large role), Ubisofts response was stupid. It boiled down to "Girls are too hard to animate so we didn't do it even though we were thinking about it."

I think people are just pissed Ubisoft has not given us Beyond Good and Evil 2, I know I am.

You do know that in real life the most famous assassin during the French Revolution was a female right?

Bu this is a real issue. Representation is a issue that is faced by everyone that isn't a straight white man.

You're going to crash due to your tenuous grasp on reality.

Where the hell are you getting 1300?

This could lead to new products! Beef Jerkoff, anyone?

True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb

Fun is subjective. Stealth games selling enough to keep warranting new stealth games is objective. Objective trumps subjective, therefor you are wrong.