This Markiplier guy is not only annoying, he's also not clever.
Here comes the grammar police—- clean *conscience* ("Con-science?"—Helen Hunt, As Good as it Gets)
Fuck Markiplier. Fuck face cames. Fuck immature yelling and screaming. Fuck all personality driven Let's Play! I hope Google's content id system takes all of your "hard earned" ad money, you talentless, attention seeking hacks!
I love everything about this game, but...
didn't last more than a minute listening to this guy. yeesh.
Yes. He started a little more genuine, progressively got worse until becoming yet another indistinguishable screaming pewdie clone. Why be genuinely funny and entertaining when you can just turn up your volume? Same thing right?
Is he...always like that?
Because it's true.
What overreaction? I am calm. If anything, slightly defeatist: I say 'like always' and that this isn't surprising, and that it would be nice to have some change.
I'm sorry, what? So it's expected that a male character should be in every game, but having a woman available would be "a bit much?"
I hate these fabricated outrage stories as much as the next sane person, but everything you just said is stupid. Why can't a female character be featured in "tough" games? What an obnoxious sentiment.
Something, something, political correctness run amok; something, something, this doesn't affect me, therefore it shouldn't affect anyone else; something, something, poorly-formed straw man argument about men's rights.
You're not welcome in either with that attitude.
cue the bitching and moaning. it's a real problem people.
Is it too much to hope that we won't get a tyrade of men in here swearing up and down that E3 isn't sexist?
It's probably not surprising to hear that E3 heavily featured men this year—that is, unfortunately, normal—but…
Are you from the US? Please say no. Even if the answer is actually yes, I beg of you... say no.