I'm sure you thought this was logical, bless your heart. I wish I could have been there to see you hitting "publish" while whispering, "Check and mate".
I'm sure you thought this was logical, bless your heart. I wish I could have been there to see you hitting "publish" while whispering, "Check and mate".
That would be great. As long as he decides to father a child somewhere down the line, there's no problem with the way the story works.
Yeah, and now I want another one? The first in a main game in the series? Jesus, that's just fucking greedy, isn't it?
Is anyone going to dox the guy? Put his email/phone number on Twitter, and encourage people to make rape and death threats? Don't compare a bit of back-and-forth on Kotaku with the kind of shit she's trying to avoid.
Random guy from the internet was the Animation Director of Assassin's Creed III. It's pretty strange how many of you are diving off this particular cliff.
I think he's saying it's a day or two's work because, as he said in his statement, women and men don't really differ all that much. He believes you can tweak most animations where it matters or even reuse some of them without a problem, and you're going to do that anyway for the main character in order for the central…
That asshole was the animation director for Assassin's Creed III.
Nobody's campaigning to shut down Ubisoft, as if such a thing could happen. There's a scattering of fans claiming they won't buy the game, most of whom are lying to themselves. It actually makes sense to go after a company that's open to inclusivity than one that is not, since there's more of a chance that they'll…
You see yourself as Aiden in Watch Dogs, but if you appear in my game there's a 50% chance I'll see you as a woman. That's why people find this odd. They want to know why, if one gender or the other needed to be fixed for all four cast members, we couldn't have had an all-female team in Unity. You assume they don't…
Why do you assume that? I've made the case for a gay assassin on Ubisoft's own forum, while a bunch of idiots tried to tell me that gay men and women never have children. We're continually being told we don't care about people of other sexualities than heterosexuality, or we don't care about racial heritage, when in…
It was never said that only men can use the technology. In fact, in the first story you were told about a woman who was a test subject (Subject 15), and in the most recent one they revealed that the director of the previous project was a woman who had tested the equipment on herself, and then on her son to prove that…
I have next to no knowledge of wrestling, but I have no idea how fans could possibly employ their gaydar in the midst of so much radio interference.
Two of their best loved characters, 1965-ish (not pop lyrics drama, but you might like them)
There are even older clips above, but there are tons of others. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore at 7:50 here, for example, performing the lyrics of "Goody Goody" and other songs:
See, you're so proud of your ten-year cycles, "last game released on PS2 was Q4 2013", et cetera, but this video just reaffirms my belief that every console generation should be no more than 5 years, and it should be illegal to own or operate a last gen machine the moment the new gen goes on sale.
Only because he's the head piglet. I hear that if you kill PewDiePie, Markiplier will be human again.
I tried watching him playing Amnesia 2 to see if I'd be into it. Aside from being irritating as fuck, listening to him attempt to understand the plot-related notes in the game showed that the guy has a reading age in single figures.
Baby steps, but improvements nonetheless: Elisa Melendez of Polygon's E3 report
The Heart of Home Cookin'