
#4 - I would love if they remade XI into a single player version, more traditional style RPG. They would have so many story lines to explore thought it's history (consider how many expansions have been released).

Matsuno is a free agent now, and he already went back to Square briefly to work on the updated port of Tactics Ogre for the PSP, back in 2010.

I will help with name of one of mentioned authors - its "Szymon Kudrański". Its spelled wrong in this picture. In two diffrent ways.

Reeeeeeeeally glad I left this train wreck on issue #50. Damn you, 90´s.

Tabata-san, if you are reading this, PLS PLS PLS PLS bring Crisis Core and FF Type-0 to Vita. I really would love to play Crisis Core again, it is one of my favourite, and I also would love to play FF Type-0 on Vita so that we can have cross save with PS4!!!!

Unless it's a first date from OKCupid. Then it should be in a public space, where you can make an excuse and escape after the first drink if it turns out you are on a date with a crazy person. But for a second date, or a first date where you originally met in real life, I enthusiastically second these options.

A third flag will have Cowboys logo on it to signify that this flag will be thrown but then inexplicably withdrawn.

But this ring does bring back a rather annoying thing from DS1, the newb slayers... who rank up all their gear and stay in low level area's to keep on bashing on the new players.

It's actually a joke about me being an asshole. If it was about apathy, I wouldn't have made the joke.

It is really shitty that you will get all the stars just because you are in the black. 10 people said the same thing before you, but you steal the stars.

The bigger shock would've been if Long actually blocked someone.

I like the idea, but calling a guy who once ran for 2,000 yards and started his career with six consecutive 1,000 yard seasons a "bust" is a bit of a stretch.

He either forgot about the weapon, or did not know the laws. Niether are excuses.

Ugh, no. Yes, condoms can stretch. Similarly, small sized latex gloves can stretch to fit over giant hands, but latex gloves come in multiple sizes. I'd like to see her leave that condom on her leg for 15-20 minutes while rubbing it vigorously and see how long it takes for it to break.

If it's pinching it's likely you're not getting all the way hard. It's not a size thing.

Yeeahhhhh, I'm not sure the "I need a bigger condom" is because the smaller ones won't fit. It's because they fit so tight that it hurts. This is coming from a very average sized guy - but I have, on occasion, purchased protection that was simply uncomfortably tight.

Just because you can fit in size 30 jeans when you are a size 32 (men's sizes btw) doesn't mean it will be comfortable. Same thing with condoms. Pretty much any will fit anyone but not all will be comfortable. Some will constrict blood flow too much, some will slip off too easily. Finding the right condom size is

The Cleric is right, would have been better as an HBO mini series.