
Yes. I mean, as if you couldn't find 1,000,000 reasons for why people are less likely to get married - most notably, because they don't have to anymore. Women used to have 3 choices: get married, become a servant or join a convent.


I wanted to play Titanfall yesterday... it was a ghost town. Popped open TF2 on Steam and of course... 10000 players.

i'm just basing this on the fact there hasn't been an EA published game on Steam in quite some time, since they prefer to sell their titles over Origin. I imagine whatever contract Respawn signed with EA, had digital distribution rights being locked to Origin. As for your analogy, i'd say it's probably more like

Yea, Astrologist is such a let down. Here I was expecting a healer class with some likely buffing ability mixed in with a little bit of dps on the side that used potions... and all I got was a healer class with some likely buffing ability mixed in with a little bit of dps on the side that uses cards... ugh!

If you are going to use point differential, you should also somehow factor in average points per game (league wide). Losing by an average of 10 in an era where teams are scoring high is proportionally a significant difference compared with losing by 10 in an era where teams are scoring low.

You missed one.

*raises hand* The Sims 4! It's like the Sims 3, except without all of that game's ambition and scope. Major step back in nearly every way.

well in beta you have the very best gear you can get and all the current enchants for free as well as anything else needed, nothing needs to be farmed, so yes, getting geared enough and having the skill to do it is a feat. Also.

Yeah, back when I played Everquest I remember hearing about how the top guilds got early access to those harder raids before anyone else. I never really knew if it was true but with how fast they cleared stuff I believed it. Does that happen with WoW as well?

Highmaul opened for raid testing on mythic on.. Sept 18th.

Considering how few guilds have pulled it off - yes, it is a pretty big achievement.

Rough passive aggressive post brah.

Beyonce has a long history of "borrowing" from other artists. No surprise.

for a game with a lot of bugs... I didn't really have any problem finishing it and I'm in the process of 100%ing it now... hmm... playing on XBOX One.

Get in line. The Browns owe everyone an apology.

One of the myriad benefits of living in the Northeast, besides the weather, is the opportunity to catch every Jets game on TV. I was thinking that NY is the number one TV market in the US, and TV and the NFL hatched Jets/Titans and Giants/Redskins on us. Each game had one memorable play.

Something similar can be said about the opposition this year's favorite, Mariota, faced this year. The Ducks played just one team in Sagarin's top ten — Michigan State (No 10) — and just one more in his top 20, UCLA (No. 17), and just one more in his top 25, Stanford (No. 22).

Interestingly banking info being stolen because of the prevalence of online banking was exactly the analogy people used to explain why the theft of those nudes should be taken seriously without using "don't take them if you don't want them seen" as an excuse.