
I have to say, I have been pleasantly surprised by the comments on Deadspin lately when it comes to stories like this (unfortunately there have been quite a few abuse/assault stories lately). The comments have somewhat restored my faith in humanity after reading such awful pieces.

I am totally surprised Deadspin commenters are reasonably good people - I just assume all Gawker sites' commenters hate women as much as Gawker and Kotaku and (often) i09. Since I don't actually care about sports, I never even WANT to visit Deadspin usually but, hey, the more you know!

Deadspin commenters (deadspinners?) are actually quite egalitarian for the most part. It is quite refreshing, no?

Entirely unsurprising regarding the Deadspin commenters. I've been saying for months that they're generally great about these issues. A lot of the time when people try to point to "Deadspin commenters doing something wrong" they quote someone who's just as much on here as there.

Yep, imagine they say 'our engine doesn't support this and that but we have these above ground pools as a compromise' and all of a sudden you're still dissapointing people but crucially don't sound like a steaming pile of BS.

Ive been pleasantly surprised by how often Deadspin commenters are thoughtful and awesome and completely willing to tell Gawkerites to GTFO

I was just thinking this. Would it kill them to just make the option available for above ground pools for launch?

Stripper: Talk dirty to me, Jerry.

Killer 7, and it was awesome

Manhunt, that's it really pushed me how far that game went. Most games did it for comedy value ,but manhunt was just fucking insanity on disk ha. Also BLOOD was brutal as hell as well.

as my therapist once told me, "cheating on someone is you making a statement about how you feel concerning your relationship"

NCAA to Players: It's not fair that the sports that make the most money should follow a different set of rules from all of the other athletes.

Forced? I rather enjoy the asinine commentariat of this site, it is indeed why I am here (though I do enjoy the deeper and more well thought out posts just as much, rare as they are). Being able to make fun of ones self or ones community is a great form of bonding among us.

This is sort of a pointless exercise because of the rookie pay scale. The value of a draft pick is pretty high. Greenbay had a 1st round RB, Indianapolis traded for one, and chicago had two rookies on their line. Rookies are by far the most cost effective players in the league, so its pretty much gonna come down to

For real. Fantasy Football is an iconic institution, and seeing it ruined by some manchild just destroys the experience of being a fat, stat-fetishist frat boy "living" the "dream" of "managing" a team in the game.

As a predominantly PC gamer who only buys consoles for exclusives Microsoft is just telling me to get a PS4.

it's nice to see sweet remarks on this page, in comparison to the rest of the idiotic remarks.

I was having this conversation with someone the other day...Is it better to have the career ending injury before you ever set foot on an NFL field or having a promising NFL career cut short? The saying is it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all...does that also apply to football?

I went to Virginia Tech with David and while I did not know him personally, I had classes with him and saw him around campus. He was always super nice, polite, dressed up in a suit and tie every day to class, and was always smiling. I'm truly impressed but not surprised at the way he has handled himself in dealing

Here's an idea: stop being an idiot.