Lots of body snark on Megan Fox going on in the comments. If I would have wrote some of those things in 2009, I'd have been de voweled.
She didn't say she doesn't have sex. She doesn't have sex with her husband. I bet she is having lots of sex. Probably with other women.
"The worst thing I put in my body is coffee, once a day."
Methinks Megan Fox is smarter than pop media credit her, and likes to troll them.
To quote the infinitely sexy Susan Sarandon, when asked if her secret to staying sexy was no carbs and lots of sex: "Well, it's not lots of carbs and no sex."
Upgrade that bread to pizza and we're in business.
I believe her about the carbs but I bet her and the hubs had a fight or something. Sounds too much like "Asshat doesn't deserve a cuddle right now". Or maybe it was a joke. I mean, who would say something like that? Even if you are a cold-hearted snake, you wouldn't want people to know you are a cold-hearted snake.
I find American Football utterly boring and uninteresting, but I love reading these write ups that Drew makes. You do a good job at this Drew, you make Football actually sound fun and interesting.
1. Jerry Jones
well...Someone has to teach the Bears defense how to tackle...
Peasants? Oh, you mean your high-profile NFL players ten years from now after they blow their millions on coke, booze, whores, lawyers fees, bling, & rims?
android is 80% of the market, android with processors capable of handling this game is probably closer to 20% of the market
"Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." -Benjamin Franklin
1) Fuck that guy, I'm glad that they caught him.
Conflicting feelings about this. Like yay, the creep got caught! But the circumstances seem ethically murky at best.
Fisher: But it's my son. What am I supposed to tell him, that he can't wear certain clothes because his dad has a-
My last girlfriend absolutely loved popping my zits. Like, would get mad at me if I popped it myself because she wanted to.
Really though, why kill the ghosts with Pacman if you can use Bahamut?
Yeah, it's definitely a generational thing and I was in some weird transition period. Maybe one person per class used a laptop in my senior year of college? That's being generous. I remember being shocked how many came to class with them my first year of law school, though. I just found it easier to take notes, and…