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    Square-Enix already said Yuffie and Vincent wont be optional characters.

    (Pst, that means they will be part of the main story, you cannot, not have them. Which means they cannot be DLC. They explicitly already stated, Yuffie specifically can be obtained either earlier in the game optionally, or will be forced onto the

    You failed to grasp what FFVII Remake is. Its not “just 10-20% of FFVII.”

    Its a full 100+ hour long video game, with a complete story, with a beginning, middle, and end, based off the part of the story of the original game.

    Square-Enix said, before they even started FFVIIr that if they touched anything with FFVII, it

    FFVII Remake is a full game. 30-40+ hours of story, 100+ hours of gameplay.

    If you want to wait till the full FFVII story is remade, thats your choice, But expect 200, 300, or even 500+ hours worth of gaming, as each game will be fully fleshed out complete full Final Fantasy RPG games. So if there are more than 3


    Lightning Returns, according to Square-Enix met sales expectations. Which means it sold enough to make the profit they desired.

    It sold over 1 million copies, and the FFXIII Trilogy has sold over 12 million units.

    Clearly Lightning Returns couldnt do well, being the 3rd part of a series that is “the blight of

    I cant break it down more simple than this...

    Square-Enix production/release dates:

    Except your statement here isnt correct.

    FFVIIr is not a carbon copy of FFVII. They arent taking FFVII and cutting it up.

    What they are doing is taking the FFVII story, and completely fleshing it out. Adding parts that didnt exist in FFVII originally. For example, its hard fact truth, that in FFVII, Jessie and Cloud

    Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to be very much like the FFXIII series, yes it is.

    Final Fantasy VII 1997? no. FFVIIr 2020? Yes.


    FFVIIr is not FFVII97. its FFVIIr. Its a full fledged game. There will be enough content, in FFVIIr that makes it a full game. You will see things in FFVIIr that **is not** in FFVII97.

    Actually, FFVIIr will contain 2 discs!

    Final Fantasy VII Remake - 2

    Where do people come up with this??

    Midgar isnt 10% of the story. Its not even 10% of the game.

    Midgar is about 30% or more of the story.

    I personally expect the 1997 story to be told completely in 1 or 2 more games, max, after Final Fantasy VII Remake is released.

    I suspect the series will be complete in 4 years or less. 2024 the latest. Dragging it out

    Here is a little Square-Enix Final Fantasy history lesson:

    3-4 Years = Brand new game (FFXV, FFXIII)
    4 Years = Full Final Fantasy Trilogy (FFXIII, XIII-2, Lightning Returns)
    2 Years = Brand new 30+hour story content (FFXIV)
    1-2 Years = Full “Reborn” video game. (FFXIV)


    Is premeditated shoplifting a thing? If so, you just ratted yourself out.

    Nothing fraud here. Square-Enix said if they touched FFVII, it would be a full remake of the game, entirely new for this generation.

    This game is a full fledged video game. Or in other words, its the 1997 FFVII Midgar storyline, completely

    Its already fact, that Midgar’s story section is going to be expanded to be a full fledged video game. 

    Your statement is wrong, and inflammatory.

    You failed to grasp what he said.

    The comparison isnt “FFXIII split into multiple games.” the comparison is, if they took FFXIII, FFXIII-2, and Lightning Returns, the full story, and then retold the story across multiple games. Which it is a full story when viewed as a series. Very much like how Crisis Core, FFVII,

    Solid argument. We dont know if it will “feel” like a full game. We dont know how FFVII Remake will end.

    Its completely new. Its nice you actually grasp that simple concept.

    To say its “only containing the beginning of section of VII” is a bit of an understatement. It would be better worded as “its going to contain

    It is a full video game.

    What you’re looking from Square-Enix isnt going to come. They are not going to make FFVII remaster. In fact, they said that before they even started.

    The complete FFVII-1997 story, in this “Remake” experience, will take you likely over 100 hours to complete just the story. If you include all

    Not misleading. It says Remake right on the box.

    Remake, and Remaster/Anniversary/Remix are not the same things. Hence why they are all spelled differently. 

    I wish I could sue video gamers for how ignorant and inflammatory they are.

    There is no way Square-Enix can be sued for properly labeling a video game, and they most certainly wont lose, as they said, before they even announced the game, that it would be an expanded story, new experience, for this generation, not a