
Its not misleading one bit. Its labeled exactly what it is.

Go find any game titled “Remake” (note, those letters spell Remake, not Remaster/Remix/Anniversary/etc.) that is not a brand new game, based off an older game.

FFVII Remake, is a brand new experience. This game will contain story content, not found in FFVII

Final Fantasy VII Remake is a full complete game.

Will it contain the full FFVII 1997 story? No. Will it contain as much story of a full fledged RPG? Yes.

How? Its a new video game. Its FFVII Reimagined. Remade. It will have the Midgar story, plus new and expanded elements. Such as Jessie’s story, Biggs, Wedge, more of

Its not part I. Its Final Fantasy VII remake. They said, BEFORE they announced they were going to REMAKE Final Fantasy VII, they would completely remake FFVII with an expanded story, for this generation.

They are giving exactly what they said they would before they even started on the project.


Incoming FFVIIR-2, etc.

Alternatively, if they say “Part 1” people might think it’s just a short burst of gameplay, like “Life is Stange Part 1”. They might not know it’s a full game. 

Games get made all the time with intention for there to be a sequel and they are never called part 1. This is nothing new.

where have you been man........this is on you.

Man you guys are fucking retards. For real. 

I don’t see how it’s misleading.

I’m not trying to compare XIII’s storyline to VIIr, I’m saying those are “episodic” in nature, yet are full games. A sequel is the next episode. It’s not *completely* different because they are full games, continuing on the story of the characters with new stakes.

Zero. Maaaaaaybe that one dude that lives under a rock. Other than that, zero. I don’t know a single soul that played the original that this remake only reaches Midgar.

It’s episodic in a similar way that XIII, XIII-2, and XIII-3 are episodic. They’re full games continuing the story of the prior release. This isn’t some Telltale Games style mini-series.

Wait what?  You’re just now learning that this release is only a part of the whole original story?  If that’s so, then I doubt you’ve been on the “hype bandwagon” because this has been common knowledge for a looooong time.

Yeah, you nailed it, plus SE said that this is a complete game by itself. Anyone picking up the remake KNOWS that they’re only getting Midgar and that there are future installments down the road, and anyone coming in completely blind with no knowledge of the original FFVII will still get their full game experience

FF7 Fans are well aware of the remake and everything around it. I don’t think you’re going to have rando looki-loos picking this up on a lark who played it in the past. Plenty of newcomers I’m sure, but anyone who played it when they were younger either LOVED it, or HATED it, and the people who LOVED it know whats up.

They’ll just number the subsequent parts, it’s not that big a deal. Rather than any “numbering fiasco,” I think the biggest mental hurdle people need to cross is that this isn’t FF7, the game we know and love from the ‘90s. It’s a remake, a reinterpretation of events we used to know that won’t necessarily play out the

I’m thinking once they start playing it and coming across all the new sections and time it takes to complete it, they’ll realize it’s a new full game on its own :p

That and the “TO BE CONTINUED” message at the end lol.