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    Its not containing a small part of the game.

    Its a full fledged RPG.

    If you play FFVII remake, there will be new mini games, new side quests, NEW STORY, not found in FFVII 1997.

    Nothing shady one bit. 

    Where is this a lie?

    They said if they ever did anything with FFVII, it would not be a simple remaster, but a full remake. New story elements, a completely new game for this generation. BEFORE they announced the game.

    Also, show me another game called “Somethingsomething Remake” that is just a remaster. Or in fact, any

    Its not misleading one bit. Its labeled exactly what it is.

    Go find any game titled “Remake” (note, those letters spell Remake, not Remaster/Remix/Anniversary/etc.) that is not a brand new game, based off an older game.

    FFVII Remake, is a brand new experience. This game will contain story content, not found in FFVII

    This comment is refreshing. Thank you for not being brain dead. This isnt sarcasm either. I”m genuinely pleased to see someone who understands what exactly Square-Enix has been saying before they even announced the title. 

    FFXIII, FFXIII-2, and Lightning Returns was completed in less than 4 years, and they didnt have as much completed content as FFVII Remake has.

    The full story of FFVII Remake is essentially completed. After the first game is complete, all its core/backbone of the game will also be complete.

    Any titles after “Remake”

    Correct. Square-Enix stated FFVII would be a new experience, with an expanded story, **before** they even started or even announced the project. 

    Square-Enix said before they announced FFVII remake, or the possibility of it, that it would be a brand new experience for this generation.

    They are delivering exactly what they said they would if they started it.

    FFXIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns, all games with fresh story, individually created side quests, mini

    Final Fantasy VII Remake is a full complete game.

    Will it contain the full FFVII 1997 story? No. Will it contain as much story of a full fledged RPG? Yes.

    How? Its a new video game. Its FFVII Reimagined. Remade. It will have the Midgar story, plus new and expanded elements. Such as Jessie’s story, Biggs, Wedge, more of

    Its not part I. Its Final Fantasy VII remake. They said, BEFORE they announced they were going to REMAKE Final Fantasy VII, they would completely remake FFVII with an expanded story, for this generation.

    They are giving exactly what they said they would before they even started on the project.

    FFXIII, XIII-2, and

    I cant tell who has less brain cells here. Kotaku or what seems to be the majority of the comments.

    Final Fantasy VII Remake is exactly that. Its a remake of a game.

    This is not a Remaster, this is not a HD rendering. The game is not labeled “remaster” or “Anniversary collection” or “Remix” or any of what Kotaku

    Stop having ADHD and wait 1 second before you repeatedly spam the interaction button and you will *not* have this issue.