While I certainly can’t rule out the idea that they are still working to get Guyger off entirely, I think that ship has sailed. What they are trying to determine now is if this was manslaughter or murder; if Guyger genuinely believed it was her apartment and there was an intruder, then it’s manslaughter. If it turns…
Getting two extra bases because somebody else doesn’t know what’s going on is great in baseball. It’s not so good in any other context.
The proud, clearly fake, ignorance is what pisses me off.
Because it’s a scathing insult framed as empathy.
It’s gotta be time to let drugs/alcohol pass through her system, right? Like a 15 hour shift is actually a 12 hour shift + 3 hours at the bar...
and Haitian.
That’s more to do with housing, I think. And you can’t be within a certain distance to places like schools, playgrounds and the like, though those can be hard to enforce.
“Phase Two of the #metoo movement dictates that the voice of a victim, even one with a history that may be in question, should be heard”
I don’t know....those text messages sent to Rain Dove where she admitted she had sex with him. The fact that she tried to justify it because she was in a relationship at 17 with a 33 year old. The fact that she’s now pinning the payout on the dead guy who can’t really defend himself. The fact that she’s using the same…
“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”
I wish I could find that tweet again that basically said, “let’s not lament all the famous fuckwads whose careers are now ruined because they couldn’t keep their dicks to themselves. Let’s lament the art that never got created because the people who wanted to make it got silenced by these fuckers. They had their shot,…
He “deserves to make a living”, Che? Well, he already made plenty of money, so...fuck right off. He made plenty of living. And nobody is recommending that McDonald’s not hire him. They’re just saying hey, maybe he doesn’t need--or deserve-- to be a famous fucking comedian getting millions of dollars of support.
Paramount Network’s new high-profile Kevin Costner ranch drama Yellowstone is the highest-rated show in the history of the network
Spotify’s statement was the following:
My keyboard will be draining over the kitchen sink since that’s where I spit out my coffee about the eyebrows.
I’d love it if this was how Elon Musk found out she was in his house.
I have no idea when she is coming back.