
I feel bad saying it, but this is not Romero’s first Kickstarter either. He’s done like three of them now, and I don’t believe any of them have met their funding, and all of them have had lackluster pitch videos.

I remember before the WiiU controller came out, thinking it would end up as something like this.

Most did, though.

Once I imagined human hands actually holding this ovoid, the idea makes a lot more sense.

So what do you...actually...do?

I wasn’t expecting isometric. Not that that’s a dealbreaker, but...this seems less like an exploration of themes and more an effort to make a stealth title set in a different location. I hope there’s a way to stay in deep cover until teams can come to extract everyone safely based on your intel.

I suppose I can understand the logic of needing to create a Comixology account and sign into it to get a free download. But I’m not really all that into creating and signing into an account to get a free download.

Odds on really getting the PS3/360 versions out?

I mean...for what it’s worth, sure, the facial animation is weird as all get out, but I kind of dig the idea of a female character with that kind of unconventional body language and attitude in a fighting game. Most traditional fighting games seem to have very stock performances that express little of their

With Kanye’s love of masks and capes, it’s almost impossible he hasn’t already done this in real life.

I could go either way on this. If I really wanted one, I’d already be prepared to have the cash ready, and three months would be decent headway for getting another couple hundred bucks stashed away.


Looks so weird and...featureless...it almost doesn’t look real enough.

That, and I swear the lighting they are using on his hair is not the same lighting that is illuminating his face. It’s like the hair is floating over him.

They couldn’t come up with a better name than Tri-Borg?

I’m kind of impressed they were able to make such a nice controller and not throw a Ford logo somewhere all over it in the process.

Soooo...what do they actually do with the raw meat cakes?

I’m down with this, but I’d like to see some kind of trend where Kickstarter projects can implement stretch goals without overpromising extra features, and instead just committing to the core idea.

You Must Build a Boat. I’m on my fourth playthough right now.

Nice, but...I can see 600 ways people would try to occupy the ‘cargo area’ anyway. Or put their kids in there to drop them off at school. Horrible things like that.