DJ Burn

I hope so. It was my favorite TV show in years.

I met the author at a party a couple years back, very interesting conversation about the book and deal (and yeah from the conversation i’d also got the impression he’d had some very wild years although t’was all very past tense on that front so yeah, seemed all good)

I think Jon Stewart said something similar recently on The Daily Show.

My other idea is The Social Ne2rk, because luckily “network” contains “two.

Strangerer Things was right there!

Yeah, I read an entire book about this years ago.

This is not news. Members of the clan including Raekwon and U-God have been saying this publicly for years. Basically they were paid individually to record some verses without being informed that they would ultimately be used for a collective Wu-Tang album. 

She sounded like Cyndi Lauper getting strangled, but it was far from the worst. I still remember Christina Aguilera at the Super Bowl a few years back forgetting the lyrics and slurring her words like she was drunk. That was a moment where her diva-ness collapsed in on itself like a neutron star.

Jack’s reaction here is really disappointing. Even if he disagreed with the comment and thought it was in bad taste, throwing your friend and creative partner for decades under the bus to this extent is a big shame.

It pairs really well I feel with The Warriors. Just double east coast gang movies.

This is exactly the kind of piece a lot of us have missed. A thoughtful take of a largely forgotten gem from decades ago. Nice work and more please.

Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.

I think both Seth Meyers and Colbert grappled with it pretty well.

If all else fails, there is a version uploaded to Internet Archive.

It's well worth a watch.

Yes and at the Brits it just resulted in men winning. Given the Oscars’ historical problems, I think this is trading one problem for another one. 

OP is referring to *Tom*Arnold.  Not Arnold Schwarzenegger

It was incredible to see her put aside all the behind the scenes drama and pay tribute to Luke Perry by guest-starring on Riverdale as the random woman who Fred sacrificed his life to save.

It’s such a baby/bathwater dismissal of Spector, and readers unfamiliar with his work would simply assume the guy’s a hack nutjob. A more careful writer would have gone with “Phil Spector and his insufferable 1970s overproduction” or “Phil Spector and his insufferable studio antics.” Dissing some of the greatest

Spector may have been a card-carrying psychopath but dismissing the Wall of Sound is dismissing a big chunk of late 20th century popular music, much of it very much worth engaging. I don’t think Lennon needed to stick with him (George also kicked Spector to the curb around this time because he was just impossible to