I stand corrected.
I stand corrected.
Took me a while to get onto as I was unfamiliar with the Safdies etc. Definitely memorable and original.
The time frame is weird for this. I think The Curse will be up next year.
No rule against Strangester Things
That book was crazy. It was a good story but the author kept talking about how drunk he got all the time. I hope he got the help he needs.
Myers has the best quote I’ve heard from anyone on the topic to date!
Because we’ve got the streets, suckers! Caaaan youuuuu diiig iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt
When I saw it on social media, the camera was off the singer and I thought for sure it was Cyndi Lauper having a stroke
Well, holy poop. Well done Gob Hoblin! I’m not familiar with this service; I checked the usual sites as well as Kanopy which I thought was my best bet but this should do nicely. Thank you.
Did some poking around, can’t find it online, will have to keep hunting.
When I speculate don this being a good idea, someone pointed out that only... two? female directors have ever won the Oscar - a non-gendered category.
Just reading the wikipedia entry for that film... sounds fascinating and prescient, especially for 1970!
Both are supposed to be subversive, or at least irreverent, send-ups of fairy tales.
Like Bay Area rapping legend Too $hort, who “retired” with his tenth album in 1996 and then went on to release 11 more, not including collaborations, over the past 30 years.
Her point is hardly legible
It had musical scenes but was not a musical.
Drake is wack, K.Dot is wack, this track is wack as fuck.
Harry Potter name having ass mf
The phrase is “over-egg the pudding” because if you put too many eggs in your pudding will not turn out. Since omelets are made primarily of eggs, saying “over-egg the omelet” makes no sense whatsoever.