DJ Burn

...LEN’s obnoxious immortal pop hit “Steal My Sunshine.”

Snowfall has the most incredible soundtrack of any recent series. I took to watching with Apple Music open on my phone to add tracks as I watched. I rarely made it through an episode without adding at least a couple. When “Straight Outta Compton” drops at the end of season 5, right when Franklin’s mom goes full OG, I

At last, my dream of having Ice T read me Finnegan’s Wake is one step closer to reality

Must’ve fixed it

The term “elevated horror” gets thrown around a lot these days, but you don’t hear much about “elevated action.”

For me Starship Troopers prefigured The Boys as a satire that flew over the heads of at least part of the audience. I know people who to this day do not understand that it is anti-militaristic and take it at face value. (Mond you, these are the same people who laughed instead of cringed at Clint Eastwood’s Korean jokes

want her to secrete herself away somewhere

That’s a really insightful comment. What other non-horror movies were horrifying to you?

Sincerely sorry for hijacking your comment for this... I need a high profile post and comment to reply to.

No one wants to meet their old ass before their ready.

Same thing with DeNiro when he stomps that guy out in The Irishman.

In a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers estimated that in the 16 months after the Texas ban, 26,313 rape-related pregnancies occurred in the state.

Mike Flanagan is one of the most consistently fascinating horror creators working right now

The title calls it Transgender Dysmorphia Blues but the article correctly calls it Transgender Dysphoria Blues. These are not the same thing and that’s the sort of thing editors, which AV Club ditched long ago, would catch.

I haven’t seen Wellness - not worth seeking out I take it?

If you get a chance to check out Citizen X - available on Crave in Canada - do so. Great serial killer flick about a real life monster who most North Americans know jack shit about. Also, convincing portrayal of life behind the iron curtain.

When I quit drinking, someone gave me his book about recovery. I was keen to check it out but it was literally just “Russell Brand riffs on AA’s 12 steps” and he acknowledges as much in the introduction. Total self-serving narcissistic crap.

I just can’t figure out why everyone loves Kendrick Lamar so much. I feel like if he came out in the 90s he never would’ve made any kind of impact whatsoever. He’s a reasonably competent technical rapper but his voice is MAD wack and his choice of beats is meh. I’ve been saying this long before Aubrey took a run at

Colors - Ice T

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” - Gordon Lightfoot