DJ Burn

At some point a group of people making this video had to decide that when Katy refueled herself with gas, where exactly in her butt it would go. And in a strange choice didn’t pick the spot we all assumed they’d use.

Thanks for this piece. I don’t often get to humblebrag: my first published article is on Powell and Pressburger’s  The Red Shoes. Scorcese calls these works “pure film”. There is so, so very much more. If Scorcese’s first exposure to the film was in black and white, seeing TRS in Technicolor must have been euphoric.

Wait, there are people who thought her performance was bad?

Damn... RIP.

Maybe his career has been...Too Long.

My go-to is Hayao Miyazaki, who just released his 3rd “last film” last year if memory serves

they aired ‘the curse’ weekly in theatres here and i saw the finale in a packed house with a group all seeing it for the first time. it was a really, really fun way to end a series.

The industry people who think audiences will still show up for romance, drama, and (most) comedies in movie theaters are insane. Insane. Those are the use-case for home theaters, always have been, always will be. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

You CAN lean into what audiences want and make some of this

Or KISS, who’s first “Farewell Tour” was over 20 years ago.

I will never not love him just for being the world’s biggest doofus, Bradward Boimler.

I’m excited for this one. I was pretty disappointed with In A Violent Nature and I’m hungry for something truly creepy. 

Yeah, the new(ly returned) focus on actually writing critique on pop-culture is very welcome in my book.  Now if they could just get a decent commenting system back up and running...

The dude you’re jawing with basically lost out on an opportunity to a creator of color in the past (in regional theatre, if memory serves), it broke his fucking brain, and now legitimately every problem in the country can be magically traced back to “DEI” and “social justice.”

Think less, comment more.

I haven’t seen this, but Sophia Lillis is great in general and I did enjoy The Blackcoat’s Daughter so I should check it out.

My kids (and I) have been waiting for The Book of Bill. We only discovered Gravity Falls last winter and were thrilled to hear this book was coming.

I can’t believe I didn’t immediately piece together that David and Liza are married, given they’re both named Zayas and that’d be a hell of a coincidence to cast them as a fictional married couple. When he popped up this season the only thing I was thinking was, “Hey, Angel is here, I love that dude!”

I mean...why did you stop at suicide/opioid addiction stats? Also look up wealth, property ownership, C-level jobs, college admissions/legacy scholarships, imprisonment rates...  You just stopped at the first one that you thought helped you justify the forming of white identity groups?   Why did you do that?

“Overlap in their fanbases” is evidence of wrongdoing? What is wrong with you?

(Psst. They made the same joke in the article.)