DJ Burn

Per wikipedia:

I’m guessing she was the only female cop in Saanich. (Calgarian here.)

Well if it’s gonna be that kind of party I’m a stick my dick in the mashed patatas!

Melfi: Marcel Proust wrote a seven volume classic, Remembrance of Things Past. He took a bite of a madeleine, it’s kind of a tea cookie he used to have when he was a child, and that one bite unleashed a tide of memories of his entire childhood and ultimately of his entire life.

Hate to say this but I found the earthquake sequence dark and smudgy, very much like the infamous GoT battle. My TV is otherwise great so I don’t think it was a hardware problem.

It’s the byline:

I think it’s just bad editing tbh. The writers around here have a very limited understanding of sentence structure and grammar.

Right on, that works. Sounds... really sad for a comedy. 

The Bond slide’s text is such a word soup I can’t wrap my head around half of it

I haven’t seen any of the reboot but was a big fan of the original. How do they handle Dan’s rapiness? He was like a human Pepe LePew. 

The Boss came to my town last year. Tickets started at $900

How so, what did I miss?

How is it that Zoe and I are within one week of each other’s age (45), and yet she looks 30 and I look at least 50?

When asked why the Irish produced so many great poets and novelists, James Joyce replied that “A people so thoroughly buggered by the Church and the English feels compelled to sing.”

never mind

Bruce Springsteen came to my town and the cheapest tix were $900

FFS people, say it with me: The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons. At least Hyperion. They say Bradley Cooper has the rights to it, I think I heard.

I assumed they had gone the way of comments on The Root, Jezebel, etc. Mixed feelings now... I was going to use that as the reason that finally severed my ties with this sadly diminished site. Yet, here I am.

“Kick in the Door” came out on Bad Boy 27 years ago yesterday... 

Saw a great quote here the other day... “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day long, you’re the asshole.”