DJ Burn

Anyone else surprised and relieved it isn’t about diverse casting, despite the fact that ST has always been aggressively, commendably progressive and woke before that was even a thing?

First time I’ve clicked on a page with “ream” and “blow” in the title that wasn’t on PornHub

WTF is ID? Where can I watch this? Can’t find it on any of my multitudinous streaming services. 

I believe Bradley Cooper has been trying to produce Hyperion for decades

“We come from a landscape of poetry… they’re great storytellers.”

Stagnant Skeletor is my favourite Scandinavian actor

Diddy? You bet he fuckin’ did. 

Prime Video’s Lord Of The Rings series, the foremost (read: most expensive) flop in a long list of failed spin-off, reboot, remake, and live-action adaptation experiments

Or the cost of living in Japan is lower, which seems unlikely.

The JL-adjacent short story “One for the Road” is a perfect little bit o’ horror fiction. Literally just got goosebumps remembering it.

Also, “It’s like having blue balls... in your heart.”

They should call it Lucy in the Sky with Rashomon

You know what... not sure why this escalated so steeply. I’m not even a big Bob Marley fan. I apologize for the insults I made. I’ve been trying not to get into random arguments with strangers on the internet, and largely failing. Have a good week. 

Cat? Who tf mentioned a cat? Y’all smoking something good.

lmao sorry I touched a nerve man. If you’re a Lovecraft fan you’re probably racist anyway. Have a juice and a poop and you’ll be OK sweetie

Reductio ad absurdum fail. For one thing, you’re talking about the spiritual and cultural father of his nation, not some fictional character. It’d be like casting Ryan Gosling to play Winston Churchill, or Benedict Cumberbatch as George Washington. Street and blood type are immaterial; culture, accent, background etc.

John LaCarre-esque

Saw a video from a Jamaican guy ranting about how offensive it was they didn’t use a Jamaican actor for either Bob or Rita... I have to agree. It’s not like KBA is such an A-lister that he’s drawing people into the theatres.