DJ Burn

Looking forward to Tyler Perry Presents Tyler Perry in Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler Perry Story, featuring Tyler Perry

Kudos for your comment, but I’m even going to gently and constructively take you to task for putting the Soviet Union last, despite your “of course.

I’m with you; more along the lines of the D&D flick from a couple years ago. 

Aside from Britney, you know who I also feel bad for because of this? Mid-oughts Canadian icon Nelly Furtado, whom I love and who has recently launched a comeback after taking a long hiatus she took to raise a family. The comeback vehicle? A new single with... Timberlake and Timbaland. Talk about bad timing. Hey,

It also contains nonsensical shit like this:

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Genuinely surprised not to see this here, overplayed to death though it is. If I hear it One Time! more I’ll puke

Your mother kicks rocks in hell!

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Ice T’s introductory speech for RATM was pretty dope

I’m like a bird, I’ll only fly away...

I vomited in my mouth reading this. I am severely arachnophobic thanks to a childhood stint in Australia and I would rather be trapped in a sleeping bag with a dozen goliath bird-eating spiders than go through what that girl went through. 

Gunt would make a great celebrity couple name!

By AV Club standards - admittedly, a pretty low bar these days - this is a shining piece of film criticism. It isn’t 90% plot summary with a few casual comments about whether or not the reviewer liked the movie, at least. 

The Salem’s Lot-adjacent short One for the Road is so brilliant it deserves to be taught in English composition classes.

What is this Mandela Effect bullshit, I could have sworn the Ferrari movie had come and gone?

Then I felt just like a fiend

It had this combination of darkness and pop sensibility, which I think almost invented a new kind of music. ...And I’m not quite sure anybody had really done that before—maybe the Human League.

Obviously, obviously, Dolly gets a pass, but nobody should work with Kid Rock again ever. 

It me

Yeah I’m sure the tale is condensed for interview purposes. Sometimes stories like this bother me because they make it sound like all a person who has a problem with drugs needs to do is snap themselves out of it and go on to conquer the world. Doesn’t work that way. 

“remember[s] getting up off the floor in the morning—and that was the last time I ever touched a drug again.”