DJ Burn


feature short stories from writers such as ... Wayne Brady.

IMO season 4 was the best of the lot, albeit the most traditional in the sense that it’s a fairly straightforward supernatural slasher horror. Not quite as weird or psychological as the other three. But it has the most incident and strong kinetic sequences. 

Seems highly... blartificial to me

This is bizarre. In one visit to this website I see two, count them two, references to Paul Blart in the comments section of two unrelated stories. Was it you talking about that flick on the Daily Show story?

In the process, the retired TV star

What a garbage track as well

Hello Seattle, the people who know me best will not be surprised by what I’m about to tell you: I am not a man.

I would have sworn that “flash in the pan” came from old timey gold miners panning for gold and seeing a flash in their pan and thinking it was gold but it turned out to be just... a flash in the pan. In fact I’ll wager most people think that’s what it is, so could that mean, that’s actually what it is?

Beat me to it. 

I live in Calgary where the Olympics were that year and people fucking LOVED those guys, and still do. I was 10 and it was bananas.

Will AV Club get someone other than Sam Barsanti to review season 2?

Y’all included a link to a partial version of the Prodigy video. Only shows the first minute. 

If I ever launch a cinephile fanzine I’m going to call it Bowling with Goebbels

Chris Cornell did an album with fucking Timbaland? Jeeeeeesus. 

AMEN. The one on Sons of Anarchy fucked up the entire series for me, and it was a pretty minor plot point. Totally gratuitous. 


Brand resigned from the BBC in disgrace in 2008 after he and Jonathan Ross called then-78-year-old Andrew Sachs to tell him Brand had sex with his daughter.

I hope Emma Roberts stubs her toe really bad today, like to the point where the nail folds back and it looks all weird and gross and it’s painful for over a week.

I’m surprised nobody has commented on the Purgill / Tulkun from Avatar similarities. I gather the Purgill are from the TV series that predates Way of the Water, so OK, but I haven’t seen those and don’t intend to watch them, whereas WOTW is fairly recent in my memory and I couldn’t help but think it was a bit of a