DJ Burn

Cardi Bs and somebody the horse

I never thought of it that explicitly, but me too. Thanks for making me enjoy the movies even less!

How dare you expect musical literacy from a website that purports to analyze music?!

Was it hip hop legend Doug E. Fresh, as the article states, or little known actor Doug E. Doug, as the byline states? 

As he trains a rifle on their meeting place, one of The Lone Gunmen starts telling Mulder a story

I’m still reeling from Gordon Lightfoot. 

I bought that book, ‘how to write a movie in 21 days.’ That was like a year ago.”

“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” – Mel Brooks

A friend of mine went and claimed there was a “free blow jobs” stand and I’ve always wondered if that was true.

Would you want to keep having meet and greets if you knew someone was going to shove their anal douche in your hands?

Doja Cat can take solace from the ignominy of being on the Loser list from the knowledge that she has won my heart. 

Sinister is OK but the most disturbing thing in the whole movie happens during the opening credits which is a major letdown.

That’s an interesting spelling, had you said “Grand Mughal” I would have got you the first time. Libertalia, however, is wholly new to me; fascinating. 

Ah, “Mecca”, OK, yes I have heard of Mecca lol.

Fascinating - I’ve never heard of Grand Munghais, Meccha or Libertalia before. Guess I know what I’m doing with my afternoon!

Jan Rogozinski?

When you said “pirate historian” I thought you meant a normal historian of, say, twentieth century politics who just happens to also be a pirate as opposed to a historian who specializes in studying pirates. I actually think the former would be cooler although the latter is pretty cool too. 

Holy shit, thank you for bringing Surviving Edged Weapons to my attention. I produce a horrorcore rapper whose big shtick is stabbing so this is going to be a bottomless reservoir of samples.