DJ Burn

My understanding is that for the NY State of Mind tour they’ve essentially all been there except for Method Man who has competing tours with Redman. Which is admittedly unfortunate given that he’s one of the bigger draws. 

I’m going to see Wu-Tang and Nas with De La Soul at a smallish arena (18K) and I’m already guessing it’s gonna suck. Hip hop doesn’t translate well to huge stages in my experience. At least with the Wu, they can fill the stage if (big IF) they all show up. 

I genuinely don’t get the point he’s making about that in this song. Like... shouldn’t we care about minors on an island? And doesn’t that sort of undercut the perceived Republicanism of the song - isn’t one of their boogeymen that the libs are pedos or whatever? 


There’s a great passage where he reflects that everyone looks for his genitalia and he considers “having some gross protuberance made to shock them.”

There’s dramatic music that implies you’re supposed to know what this is, but it’s not until later in the episode that Ahsoka bothers to explain that it’s a map to where Thrawn and Ezra are

Haven’t seen a single episode of Clone Wars or the movie and had no problem following this. It’s not high literature. 

“Friend” of mine told me about this HILARIOUS movie he’d seen - Gran Torino. Laugh-out-loud Korean “jokes,” I shit you not, he actually took Eastwood’s old man rants at face value.

Frazier was about as good as a laugh track comedy gets, which ain’t saying much, but I couldn’t care less about this reboot, so I’m jus there to ask, is there anyone who doesn’t know the bonkers crazy violent shit that happened in Kelsey Grammer’s real life before he was a star? It’s absolutely awful.

Fingers crossed that this is actually a gritty biopic of The World Class Wreckin’ Cru with Bautista as Dr. Dre and Momoa as DJ Yella

Bulworth, a misguided attempt to mock political correctness—or wokeness, in today’s parlance

I’ve defended it as far (further, in fact) as I am comfortable doing lol... all I can say is if they included Human Centipede, they could have included Serbian.

Just ask Vic Morrow.

I never expected to defend that film but I disagree that its purposefully gratuitous transgressiveness was as flippant as you characterize it. If nothing else, and I will grant that it doesn’t present a bottomless reservoir of social commentary, the film was competently directed, shot and edited, and it certainly

Serbian Film seems like an intentional snub here

Usually I don’t like polished TikTok content (multicamera, smooth editing, etc.) but this is a spot-on parody (the almost-correct English, the swap-out female vocalist) of the kind of dance music I spent most of the late 90s and early 2000s trying to get laid to in crappy bars so I’m totally here for it. EVERYBODY

I think we need to do a better job of allowing certain people into our culture and who we allow to critique it. I often get annoyed at music reviews by culturally incompetent critics. I hope it’s made abundantly clear who is welcome in hip-hop culture and who’s just a guest.

Bobby would be nearly Hanks age


You could bounce a quarter off the ass of Billy Porter