DJ Burn

I got the vibe that he’s just an extremely nice dude with a beginner-at-best appreciation of Abba and just named the first song that came to mind

high school soccer team whose plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness

Co-sign Cunk on Earth. The segment where she “finds out” that there are still nuclear weapons and we are, in fact, not at all free from their terrible shadow and convincingly breaks down, only to be touchingly comforted by the 0h-so-British expert who allows himself graciously to be drawn into a distracting discussion

Wasn’t that Christian Bale?

Now playing

There was a rapper in the 90s who went by Unicron. He was down with Hieroglyphics and appeared on Del’s sophomore LP on a track called “Worldwide.” Decent tune, the guy had a fun, childish kind of vibe. Never heard from him again.

Best part of the interview wasn’t even alluded to:

For all his flaws Neil DeGrasse Tyson put his finger on my beliefs on the consciousness extending into the afterlife... “Do you remember things from before you were born?” he asks. So why think we will be around after we die?

If you’re familiar with pro wrestling in the 1980s, virtually everyone was a broad ethnic stereotype. A lot of it doesn’t pass the sniff test today but perhaps the writer of this obit is assuming that his readership is familiar with the norms of the era in which his subject was famous. 

Philip Brown?

That’s bonkers! In light of the bathroom scene in the film, there must be some deep Freudian relevance there

Fun fact: There is more music on the one album Sign o’ the Times than Michael Jackson recorded in the entirety of the 1980s and more than Jimi Hendrix recorded in his entire career.

I used to sing “Laaaaast hair on the leg” before I knew the title of Raspberry Beret. Totally works!

Oh ok! Yeah, I liked it too! Played on my crippling fear of the Amish effectively. 

Stephen King: A through Aardvark
– Futurama

Agreed - as young child actors go, can’t think of a better one for holding his own among some truly incredible performances.

I found X to be fine, ok, sure, but Pearl was great. Haven’t seen the third one (did it come out yet?).

I know, it’s like “FUCK that little kid!” You feel like a dick but holy cow, after ten minutes in front of the camera the director should’ve said “Er, anyone got a nephew who’s free this weekend?”

I can’t figure out why I still come here every day. Everything you said is true. Must be muscle memory...

Danny Lloyd may not have been the best part of the Kubrick Shining, but my god was he ever light years better than the kid they got for King’s version. I recently watched the bathtub sequence of the remake and he makes it absolutely unwatchable for all the wrong reasons.

Somehow, crops still aren’t freaking us out.