DJ Burn

I’ll bite... something about boxes too small?

Why did Barbie and Ken never have kids? Ken came in a different box.

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That’s an underrated title in the Disney canon. The falling in love scene is amazing; the way the animators put the look of love in the eyes of Robin and Marian is so expressive. I remember watching this as a little boy and knowing, somehow, although I didn’t understand it at the time, that there was going to be

I guess Kahn / Huss escaped the Apu / Azaria treatment as the show wasn’t running eh? Wonder how they’ll approach that. 


Don’t be so sure

Or Slumdog Millionaire.

And, I don’t feel it is wildly inappropriate to note, probably the nicest legs in the entertainment industry for about 40 years. 

Thank you Lobo

Yes, I would. I would do it differently this time. Although, almost all of my close friends are married now so it probably won’t happen!

No worries, it was very apropos. 

I actually had to turn that off half way through - too close to the mark.

The Breaking Bad finale was so great in so many ways that I’ve *almost* come to terms with the need for suspended disbelief imposed by the machine-gun-on-a-swivel-in-the-trunk stunt. That was so wildly implausible that it strained my credulity to the ‘breaking’ point... even if it did pass the Mythbusters test! I

Two summers ago my friends asked me to officiate at their wedding. Although I have done a fair amount of public speaking, I wasn’t in a very good headspace thanks to my rampantly excessive drinking at the time, which they were unaware of. Nonetheless I agreed to the job because I was flattered and didn’t want to let

1. What has nine arms and sucks? Def Leppard.

Skull was one of maybe a half-dozen movies I’ve turned off without finishing in my life. And I watched it before I quit drinking, so I cared even less about the quality of what was onscreen while I drank myself into oblivion.

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So many obvious omissions. Just off the top of my head:

Given that the average AV Club “review” these days is just plot summary with a brief personal opinion, this is refreshing. 

I watched that and Threads within the last month. Although SF lived up to the hype, I actually found it less terribly executed than I’d expected. The director is technically competent, regardless of the merit of his artistic choices.