DJ Burn

I’m going to be on television!” (IYKYK)

Lol. Reminds me of a trending hashtag a while back, #lesserscifi. My contributions were The Day the Earth Paused Imperceptibly and Border Skirmish of the Worlds

Sam Asghari: Gigachad 2.0

When I think “great movie moms” I automatically think of Ralphie’s mom in A Christmas Story. So put out (“My mother hadn’t eaten a hot meal for herself in fifteen years”), tough (the lifebuoy soap) but affectionate (“Daddy’s not going to kill Ralphie”), and just generally doing her best against impossible odds (“Well,

Twice - both times I got a barely-concealed condescending and dismissive smirk when I told them the model of my iPhone which was [snigger] two versions back of the current one. Couldn’t rush me through quick enough - the answer to my problems was basically, “Get the latest model.” Never mind that it was like a

Yeah, I’ve had variations of that happen too - songs I know for a fact that I removed/deleted will randomly reappear to junk up my library. For a company that jerks itself off about how great its user experiences are, it’s frankly stunning how garbage iTunes is

To this day - and I’ve owned an iPhone for about ten years now - I have music on my laptop that for love or money I cannot get from iTunes onto my phone. 

Ditto - not to mention, it was WAY easier to get music, photos, etc. on and off the device - use it just like a USB device, drag and drop - and the telephone functionality itself was vastly superior in terms to iPhoneof sound quality and connectivity.

From 2008 to 2013 I worked for SMART Technologies, creator of the SMART Board interactive whiteboard, at one time a global market leader and close-to household name that is often compared to fellow Canadian tech company Research in Motion in terms of its meteoric rise and downfall.

The highlight for me was on TikTok where someone pointed out that the choir singing “Vivat Regina Camilla” sounded a lot like “I liked Diana, Camilla”

I didn’t know that - I haven’t seen the Connors or anything else he’s done recently. But at any rate he is a tall broad shouldered man even if he’s slimmed down. 

Who to cast as Holden? John Goodman gets my vote. He’s roughly the right age, big enough physically, and talented enough as an actor. Stellan Skarsgard could probably also do it justice although it might be a little too close to his Baron Harkonnen for comfort.

Meh, soon AI will be writing all pop music so the implications for the future are moot anyway.

I lob a Hobgoblin pumpkin bomb in your general direction

I’m listening to it right now... thank you for bringing this to my attention!

dolphins repeatedly save the day

Requiem for a Dream has to figure on the Worst list as well.

Definitely... and the guy had an established rap career that he put at significant risk by starting a metal band... that shit was just *not done* in the 90s and in fact is rarely done successfully these days either.

I got Black Caesar at the crib