DJ Burn

Word, he pulls the trigger long!

Ice T is one of my personal heroes and one of the things I love about him is the insane number of lanes he’s in for paychecks. In addition to SVU, the guy tours with his metal band, still does rap shows, does loads of voiceover, stars in national name brand commercial campaigns, has a podcast, does loads of public

I didn’t think it was possible to take an unflattering picture of Daisy Ridley, and yet here we are on slide 2. 

Beat me to it

assless chaps

I cosign! He’s great in Sonic and was also great in Hop! 

When I read the headline, I swear to god, what popped into my head was “Please, anyone but Timothee Chalamet for Pacino’s role” before I even read the rest. And I’m a fan of his - he was great in Dune and The King, for example, but a hard-bitten cop? Please.

Thank you for the reply - I agree with your characterization. My daughter wanted to join and I told her not to - “It’s like the YouTube comments section but without videos.”

Is Twitter *actually* a dumpster fire these days, or does AV Club just wish it was? I am only a very casual Twitter user, but it seems like they’ve been getting more attention than ever and there appears to be a lot more activity there since Space Karen took over.

Lee’s character Mockie

Good Will Hunting: Electric Boogaloo

My dad grew up in small town Saskatchewan. At some point in the late 50s he got invited to a weekend at a friend’s cabin. To his horror, a few hours into the first night of drinking some underage blonde waif pulled out a guitar and sat everyone down cross-legged and began to sing songs. To his surprise she was pretty

Not just dryer sheets but laundry detergents as well. Native bird species generally don’t need human help finding nesting materials

I used to think that, until someone pointed out that it’s loaded with chemicals and microplastics. 

In Your Room

What has nine arms and sucks? Def Leppard.

How do nonbinary samurai kill each other? They/them

Ha! No way... that’s awesome

Lol. They kind of did his origin in the series.

Not sure how I never heard that about DKG. I remain a fan but that’s messed up.