DJ Burn

Fair enough; shade retracted. I don’t know this specific user but I know I’m guilty of asking stuff I could look up just for the infinitesimal endorphin hit of seeing someone has replied to my post.

This is what’s known as a “comments section.” Sometimes people post questions and comments about the articles because they wish to engage in discussions about the topic, which they find to be of interest, not just to obtain raw information. You can google it to find out more!

I did an MA and there was an *optional* series of seminars on teaching in the academy that the grad school put on for future profs, and it was seen as both groundbreaking and quirky, like “lol, why would future teachers need teacher training lol”

Fair enough, but to be clearer, the Earth’s biosphere has survived numerous mass extinctions; we won’t make it through the one we’ve caused, but there is no question that capital-L Life will, which is something I honestly don’t think a lot of people who are rightly concerned about the environment realize.

Speaking from experience in the Canadian university system, which I don’t know whether or not it’s similar to US colleges, almost no professors have any kind of teaching training whatsoever and their career progression is based 100% on academic publication. They can be the greatest teachers in the world and languish

The Earth will be fine, just fine; it’s humans and many of the species who had the cosmic misfortune to share the planet with us during our brief tenure who are fucked.

This is a thing! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryolophosaurus

Not to mention the AV Club, which included all of these jokes in another story about the same special by the same comedian posted on the same day.

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This is the best thing on the internet since Belgian techno supergroup Technotronic released their epoch-defining dance club smash Pump Up the Jam.

My favourite deadpan one-liner of the series so far:

Congratulations and thank you for the well wishes. Back at you!

I’m 29 days sober for the first time in my adult life, and I’m 44. I recently got in touch with an old friend who I haven’t seen in over a decade and it turns out he has brain damage from all the drinking and drugs he did over the years - a lot of them with me, back in the day. I’m glad I got out before something like

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Were Hall & Oates there, and were there eggs?

Yeah, the sign out front of the hotel had a sign that a kid would rearrange the letters on each episode... So Fawlty Towers became Flowery Twats, Warty Towels, etc.

This is awesome! Thank you! 

The main thing I remember about Fawlty Towers was how they came up with a funny anagram every single episode... “Flowery Twats” being the one I remember. That, and the ‘don’t mention the war’ episode. 

I’m going to be very interested in how the new series handles the current political reality in the U.S. I’ve been bingeing the original series with my kids lately, and one thing it does exceptionally well is have Hank straddle the line between confirmed card-carrying Republican (on Ronald Reagan: “God, I miss voting

Beat me to it. Also - wet on wet. lol

Bwahahahahahaaa you win today

I agree with you, even though I think the “Karen” meme needs to die, as someone with a sister named Karen who is awesome