
However, I don’t remember Obama or the WH saying about it.

“I think that the point is that ESPN has been hypocritical. They should hold anchors to a fair and consistent standard,”

The appropriate ESPN response is “we will tell our employees to stop calling him a White Supremacist when he stops being a White Supremacist.”

But ... Donald is a white supremacist. Why are they getting all pissy about describing him using accurate vocabulary?

They will not rest until a black woman loses her job for saying that the man gunning for her dislikes black people.

Here I thought that the right was obsessed with free speech when it involved nazis and people like milo whatever his name is but calling trump a white supremacist is a bridge too far. And they say we’re the snowflakes

“With Irma and Harvey devastation, Tax Cuts and Tax Reform is needed more than ever before. Go Congress, go!”

Yeah, Chad mentioned getting engaged in the first season. Said something off the wall like, “We’re getting her divorce and our prenup done at the same time. That’s just good time management.”

Two pedantic things -

I always felt that Todd was one of the scariest characters in the show. Openly friendly and helpful on the surface, yet devoid of anything resembling morality underneath. The worst thing about him is how banal he is. Characters like Tuco or Gus may have been more threatening in the moment, but most of us don’t really

Issa’s fashion sense is a character unto itself. It’s one of the reasons I watch.

All of the height of her neck got put into her back, and the actual presence of a neck disappeared.

She is a historically important figure beloved by many, including me. Her voice is important. Further, nearly every person who has run for POTUS in the modern era has written a book. It would be unusual for her not to write one.

before picture is kinda like Heather Mattarazzo. After picture is kinda like a wax figurine

Kelly Clarkson’s Piece by Piece (I don’t know if that’s the real title, but she probably couldn’t actually name it ‘My piece of shit deadbeat dad just figured out I’m famous now, and showed up again to ask for money, isn’t that fucking hilarious?!) at work a lot, so you would think I’d get immune to it at some point.

She’ll walk your dinosaur for $50. No kissing. Allegedly.

But think of all the havering you’ll get to do!

“For No One” by the Beatles.

“Masters of War.” I really hope no one records a song about me that concludes “Well, I hope that you die.”

The sickest burn in “Hit ‘Em Up” isn’t even directed eastward: it’s when Tupac expresses his contempt for Biggie by stating that he’s going let the shitty hangers-on surrounding him in the studio drop some bars and then the rest of the song is those losers confidently rapping shitty verses, seemingly unaware that the