
I literally came here to say this.

The only way that person could have a black mother is if she’d died giving birth to them, or otherwise had no hand in their raising.

The black mother part was when I KNEW he was lying. Ain’t no black woman in her whole life would let her child be this crazy.

Neither the president nor ESPN seemed to have any problem when Sage Steele said that she experiences the most racism from black people. Steele was allowed to have her opinion and speak her truth—whether we agreed with that truth or not—and no one in the executive branch of our government demanded she lose her

The way she’s stood up for herself has been insanely impressive. She’s always had to deal with racist and misogynistic haters and she’s always done it spectacularly. But this has taken it to another level.

The Trump family buys shoes too.

“If I did, I would have deleted my tweet.”

I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.

I had a similar turnaround RE: Beyonce. One thing I didn’t like about her, especially during her Destiny’s Child days and the early days of her solo career, was how she seemed too...perfect. Like, not edgy? Kinda just someone who was always perfect in everything that she did, a little milquetoast. I found her Sasha

Neither, they’re both black.

The photograph looks like someone forgot to unplug her from the wall socket after recharging.

I’m glad that I’m not nearly important enough to have been in that room. I’d have been arrested for violating noise ordinances by laughing so hard.

My guess is it’s all the farts she’s been holding in for the past 15 years. Hubby is so proud that he’s never heard one slip out but by the laws of physics they have to go somewhere.

“And if you find yourself in the presence of a person with a tremendous amount of power, no judgment or willpower, and a resting face that resembles a gassy baby trying to smirk and shart at the same time, whatever you do, you must resist the urge to smack that look right off of his face. Don’t let him know how tired

Uh oh. Looks like someone got into Daddy’s Oompa Loompa kit.

Mixed feelings. Rolling Stone has some great political reporting and have been great trumpeters on climate change. But they’ve never really reconciled their dual roles as a substantive publication and, more or less, entertainment rag. With the focus on Boomer culture, there was some pretty obvious nepotism,

Never follow a Sheltie to a second location, that’s what I say.

Ed Skrein, on the other hand, was willing to step aside. And you know Skrein needs the money way more than Hanks.