
Playing NBA Jam on 2-player mode with nobody on the 2nd controller so you could just dunk your opponents’ souls away while they stood around and watched.

I feel like Teen Vogue said everything that needs to be said about nu-Miley with that “Miley Cyrus Wants to Be White Again” headline.

Macy Gray, in character as Taffy from Idlewild.

Not a single one of these motherfuckers actually wanted the jobs they now have.

What good is a decades-younger former model wife if you can’t show her off at work?

I wonder how Dwyane Wade felt watching his more handsome doppelganger accept an award.

Beyoncé, in general. I sort of liked a couple of the singles on Destiny’s Child’s first album, but that was pretty much it. I moved from indifference to outright dislike after that time that she sang all of the nominated songs during an Oscar telecast for no reason. “Irreplaceable” and Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” aside, I

He’s got to be in solitary, right? Literally everyone on Earth feels the urge to punch him.

I used to enjoy watching this specific pair of local afternoon news anchors because I always got the distinct impression that they really despised each other. It was if the scripted banter that they’d use as a segue was making the other’s skin crawl. I don’t know what caused it, but they’re not a team anymore, and I

I was disappointed when I saw Molly go back to Dro until I remembered that my thirsty ass rewound their first sex scene like three times.

The presence of Michael Jai White took it to a Black Dynamite place for me, and that’s always good.

While this is technically not a lie, you realize your self-recommendations are visible from your profile, right?

Please accept this handful of knives duct taped together as an award for Xtreme edginess.


I just want to see whether I’m still grey.

I’m the Charlotte of Seville