
Can we have one discussion on Kinja that doesn’t end with us digging up a corpse.

Your opinion that DACA is unconstitutional is just that - your opinion. And since you aren’t a federal judge, your opinion s irrelevant. It’s also wrong, in my equally irrelevant opinion. DACA’s legitimacy lies in the long established executive prerogative to set law enforcement priorities.

The man is a fucking saint. If I watched Dolt 45 slowly and systematically dismantle every single thing I accomplished in office - good or bad - just because this petty little man has a raging sour grapes boner, I would fucking go off on social media every single day like a goddamned Vesuvius.

Gawd do I miss him.

I’m Rob Lee and I haven’t left the church. Y’all haven’t gotten rid of me yet.

Pictured: Eve, Obama, and an apple.

And where was Obama when Alderaan exploded entirely on its own without any outside intervention?

Remember when Hoth was attacked by the Empire and Obama never visited even though he was president here and also on Hoth at the same time thanks to him being a secret Muslim terrorist?

Yes, absolutely. I’d not be surprised to learn that most of those who are parroting it who know it’s a lie are Russian bots. But that still leaves a hell of a lot more people who are just straight up gullible than I’m comfortable with.

Unfortunately, by Snopes publishing an article saying that Obama was not president during Katrina, they’ve only reinforced the Trumpists’ conviction that Obama was indeed president at that time.

That’s pretty much the perfect example of Lawful Evil if I’ve ever seen one right there...

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.

One of the great shortcomings of the U.S. education system is how it avoids mention of the Haitian Revolution and its impact on U.S. and global history. The Haitian Revolution is the culmination of ideas and movements begun by the American and French Revolutions:

There are in fact many, many seams!

Since the “don’t tear down our history” crowd clearly has the object permanence of a baby, I can’t wait for all of them to completely forget the Confederacy ever existed when they can’t see the statues.

Charlotte Seville, the famous flamenco dancer? Good to see she’s using her celebrity in a socially conscious manner.


Why can’t websites start going retro? Grey backgrounds, bulleted lists of things. Links that are blue and then go purple when you’ve clicked them. It had a charm!