
Its pretty disgraceful that this long ass article doesn’t mention Obama once. This is why people don’t turn out for Democrats in elections dummies! You have to actually act to defend people, not just pay their plight lip service.

Obama deported over 2million, more than any President in history. None of the supposedly caring people here said a word about it. Trump is simply inheriting Obama’s deportation system.

Nope, Obama even made children detained at the border face judicial process without legal representation. Way to not give a fuck while its your guy doing it.

He’s already inheritting one, Obama deported over 2 million, more than any president in history. The blind hypocrisy of Dems on this is ridiculous. I’m glad you all will finally join the rest of us who have been already fighting this.

“I haven’t slept for more than a few hours a night since Trump was elected, because I am afraid of dying, or being beat up by a Trump supporter for having brown skin... So it’s fair to say that MY FEAR trumps yours.”

What about Congresswoman Barbara Lee? She’s been on the right side of history for years, always standing up for people, never selling out. Why isn’t she ever considered for something more?

“When you look at the actual election results, however, the answer is almost certainly no. For one, Clinton lost in must-win states that had no new voting restrictions. And she lost by such big margins in a few states with new voting restrictions that it’s unlikely that voter suppression alone can explain the

“A divided Democratic party that put hours, days, and months of work into endless infighting and zero — ZERO effort or time into fighting Trump”

“I have to say, also as a Jewish person, that I am revolted by the amount of liberals claiming Sanders couldn’t win because he is Jewish.”

Pie in the sky? You’re just regurgitating talking points from a doomed campaign that lied to you non-stop for a year. Give up the ghost.

•Anybody but Clinton could have beaten him, he was the most unpopular candidate in history.

He was very popular with young minorities. Your argument only applies to the boomer generation. The idea that Sanders supporters were all white was just more propaganda, and now those lies should be retired for good.

But half of your party is only a small fraction of the population, so you lose. That is reality, your ‘win’ was a phyrric victory.

Hmm, you guys are trying really hard to not understand very basic, obvious truths.

Hillary was a terrible choice, and they were warned over and over again. Now there isn’t enough decency in the Clintoncrats to face the fact that they were wrong.

“There will be years of recriminations in our future. Many Democrats will, as is their habit, conclude that the fault lies with the left wing of the party — that progressive party activists did not sufficiently support the candidate or that leftward attacks weakened Clinton. But that notion hides a simple fact: In an

When You Speak The Truth


Balh blah blah, everyone who doesn’t agree with me is David Duke, whiney, whine.