
Shhhhh, we’re not allowed to remember Hillary was the anti-vaxxer, just project it all on the medical Doctor, idiots will eat it up without question.

“Enlighten me— how did the completely unqualified Jill Stein earn your vote? was it because her positions on Israel are rooted in Anti-semitism?” LOL!!!

How many of these ditto-heads are going to scream bloody murder about the Iraq War before it dawns on them that Hillary was 100% on board, and used her position as Senator to make it happen?

Maybe its karma for when the fans boo’d their own team during their race to the bottom?

Please, there’s nothing weaker or more pathetic than a man who puts blinders on himself. The callouses are from jerking your narcissistic self off. Cowardly lying punk.

Lol, how fucking gullible are you? You’re PROUD that you’re a sucker?

Yeah, horrendous policy in a nice tone is absolutely deserving of condescension. Your emotionless descision making is a dehumanizing shame that you’re not intelligent enough to feel bad about. Dumbass sociopath.

And now you’re doubling down on the excuse you denied you said. Very Trumpesque.

You’re a dunce. A useful idiot. A man who believes his opinions don’t require facts and knowledge, but a smug sense of self-satisfaction. You’re closer to Trump than you can even percieve.

And that the Dems strategy was to elevate him, a so called ‘Pied Piper’ technique they thought was worth the risk.

I was surprised by that, given her Senate votes for a border control, including a fence version of a stupid wall.

Only if you dehumanize the lives lost in Iraq and Libya to the point of nonexistence. Which you seem to have.

Wow skimming leaves you with no information? You don’t say...

‘She plays the game just like every other politician, past and present.’

I think your whole response, especially using an O’Reillyism like ‘pithy’ is a big empty load of projection.

Okay, but by the same token Clinton supporters are lapping up neo conservative policies. Neither are right. We can and should focus on what is right and prepare to push for it regardless of what happens on election day. That’s the ball I think we should keep our eye on. All these political games of divide and conquer

Libya called, they want you to read a newspaper once in a while.

If they’re hopelessly corrupt, yes.

Right, but don’t let the apathy take root, then they win even more.

You poor people.