
I just wish the kids participating in Black Bloc actions would wise up to the fact that they give cover to agent provocatuers working for either govt. agencies or hired by corporate interests. Its a really old story, going at least as far back as the FBI cointelpro infiltrations of the 60's.

Lol, you cite a disgraced -known liar- James Clapper, and the psychotic Lindsey Graham & John McCain as your truth barons, then jump to Germany which you obviously know nothing about! Its hillariously just like a right-winger’s logic. Those of us on the Left like to use this crazy thing called facts, you might want to

Why are Democrats suddenly big fans of Merkel, “EMILY_8361"? She is not at all a model of decency or honesty that should be held up, see islamaphobic proposals banning burkas, “EMILY_8361". Low info voters obviously aren’t just a right wing problem, “EMILY_8361".

Our own country has been doing this for nearly a century. Are you angry that HRC supported a coup in Honduras that has directly led to the deaths of lgbt people and countless activists, or did you paper over that with a nothing to see here, how about that SNL skit? Are you fighting against our own despicable acts?

And Hillary Clinton, don’t forget.

Let’s be honest, she would’ve picked Goldman Sachs et all just like Obama did. The revolving door is sadly bipartisan.

Yeah who cares who WaPo thought would win the election? Every news org had Clinton winning.

You mean NSA head Clapper? That guy is infamous for lying bald faced to congress on the NSA spying on Americans.

“Clinton would be far smarter in international matters...”

“I don’t think that’s what’s going on. I think the Democrat’s angle is to keep rhetorical pressure on Russia without overtly calling them war criminals, so that we don’t end up having to go to war with them.”

Yes! Smartest and most important point of this whole comment section.

Its scary how quickly people jump on the neo-Mcarthyism bandwagon. Did none of these people learn about the red scare in school? I mean, its at the very least high school level education.

Me too! Its still rolling out there somewhere.

Oh yeah! What’s the life of a few thousand brown unpeople in the middle east worth anyways? Sticklers.

“When liberals tried to gain influence in the Democratic Party, the centrists said “get your own party!” Should liberals get their own party, you better believe the centrists will say we’re “stealing votes”.

And then making Schumer the sen. minority leader. *pukes*

A rational person! *faints*

Look at the babble he wrote, and its obvious. He’s an idiot, don’t expect rationality.

“and you forgot about putting people in dog cages. How is this not 3rd world authoritarian, civil and human right violation bullshit?”