
Don't ask her. Just take risks. At this point you have nothing to lose, so bring her flowers and do the dishes, but don't bring up sex. Rub her back and tell her she's beautiful. Don't bring up sex. Surprise her at work with chocolate. I don't actually think you want a solution. I think you want the blame to fall all

I think the backlash is coming from the inconsistency of Jezebel's ideas about body-shaming. This site often has articles foaming with vitriol about women like "fit mom" who shame women with a particular body type and call it "unhealthy." Really, Jez is doing the same thing here.

I hope you sued the shit out of that CPC. You could press assault charges too, if you haven't already.

Hey, I'll take Vin Diesel over Ice-T at my table anytime. He wouldn't even have to have a bonus for his ride check. Yeah, I'll take a -3 to defense.

Now playing

Well the Seahawks kicked the shit out of my beloved Saints, but I will be rooting for them with my Seattle friends. Our Jimmy also has a pretty inspiring and lovely tale:


What state you live in, friend? I tell you what, you come down here to NOLA with that sweet icky sticky and we'll take a walk through the massive oaks and get some hot sausage poboys (my favorite high adventure) and then we'll go to a jazz bar, get a sazerac and smoke with the musicians. Unless you're veggie and then

May I quote you?

My friend wrote this article:


My brother is non-verbal and quadriplegic (cerebral palsy) and it hurts me to see a community usually so tolerant use the word that was hurled at him in shopping malls, by my "friends," by people at church functions. I feel you and want you to know that you are justified in being a "net nanny." You tell 'em!

Actually, the language has changed:

Well, people with intellectual disabilities disagree with you. Perhaps they're the ones who should have the privilege to decide whether it's crossed the lexical line.

I has a question. Are forums coming up for all the articles for you guys or just some? It seems that there is no discussion (which I know can't be the case) on some of the articles. Am I missing something?

How can we make this happen?

You're fine if you got there early and were there. What's irritating is being 5'4" and mercilessly flung aside by said tall person to be in front of you. I got no beef with tall person who got there early.

I really like your screen name. A lot. That is all.

There seems to be a lot of body snarking going on here. Quit it. Sexy is as sexy does.

Let me rephrase that: I've never met a Shetland who wasn't mean as the devil. I've seen them chase my 16 handers away from hay bale after hay bale. I've also seen them protect an entire herd from feral dogs. So, mean isn't necessarily bad.