
Shetlands are mean as the devil.

So, here in NOLA we really don't know what we're doing here. We haven't had a freeze in 8 years. So, help, help I need an adult! Our hot water pipes froze. I left the cold water ones on, so they're fine. The hot water pipes didn't burst, but what should I dooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

I don't think those dead rabbits were digital.


Oh. Yeah.

What libido enhancers!!!!!!!?????

However, they are against fornication and unmarried men still retain access to Viagra, despite the fact that they're unmarried.

King James Version (KJV)

Oh friend. You said this so concisely. I can't wait to use it against my in-laws.

I demand more!

Could you source this bit of information, please?

I agree wholeheartedly. Also, George R.R. Martin can bite my ass. If one wants to read women in fantasy, read Tamara Pierce or Ursula LeGuin or Madeline L'Engle (sci-fantasy). There's a reason Gaiman and Martin are rolling in piles of cash. It ain't for not trying.

We're Bounty Hunters. Who Dat!

Oh lord. Come down here and get some fishy, briny, dirty, meaty gulf oysters. Get some fried on a poboy with Crystal and creole tomatoes too. With a cold Abita. Then, some in seafood gumbo, all pillowy and tender. I love oysters.

What's your major and what do you plan on studying in grad school? I might be able to soothe your fears a bit.

I read that as "Doug Funny," as in from the show "Doug," and was really baffled for a minute there.

Hot. So hot. Want to to touch the heiney.

I'm jealous.

Dude. I think you just made my holidays a little more merry.

Can I do that with cherries or blueberries too?!