
In fact, the majority of rapes are commited by someone the rapist knows http://www.rainn.org/statistics. Perhaps that man is her abusive husband and will knock around their ten-year-old daughter if she reports ir, perhaps he's her boss and will fire her if she reports it, leaving her stranded in the American welfare

The best part is the woman saying, "good job."

Yeah. It's mostly city kids, I think. Not to generalize-city folks have numerous skills I missed out on. In the poor rural south, we cooked, cleaned, changed oil, built fence, tended animals, slaughtered and dressed meat, gardened, sewed (I HATE SEWING) fished, drove manual transmissions and tractors! They think I'm

Oh meow. meow.meow. meooow. meow. meow? meow. meow meow meow.

Whoa. Babe alert on all levels.

For the patented dumpling bib is both stylish and functional!

May I use this to show my Freshmen Comp students the importance of punctuation? For it is hilarious.

Another Jew here. Years of torture, medical experimentation, starvation, gas chambers, rape, and imprisonment is not the same as a bundle of cells with no pre-frontal cortex or concept of what it even means to be hungry, being expulsed.

Preach, sister.

Hear, hear! (here, here)? It's really just another type of victim blaming. It ain't Duggard's responsibility to educated people about assault or abduction.

They really need to doo better here.

Well, as woman who has been both beaten up and raped, I will tell you that I would take a beating any day. It's not just about societal construct; it's about losing your agency. You become a void, a series of holes when you are raped. When you are beaten up, you are still a body that exists in space, and often more

Waffle House. All star breakfast with a goddamn fruit waffle and scattered crispy hash browns. Weak ass coffee. Yep. Waffle House.

Hey. Hey Jezebel. Thanks for acknowledging us as a race. For real.

Well, if you weren't such a prude, whore, fat, skinny, open, closed, too loving, too hateful, bitch, goddess...GAWD. Can't you see he's such a NICE guy, but he wants you to get away...no wait! Come back!

No one is blaming anyone here and no one is excusing someone for being a drunk jerk. I misunderstood that you called the police because you stated you stopped intervening, which I construed as you stopped contacting the authorities. If you call the cops and ask them if it's consensual, that's all you can do.

Getting spat on or yelled at is far less traumatic than getting sexually assaulted. I plead with everyone, even though it isn't your responsibility, to at the very least call the cops and report an unresponsive drunk. People make mistakes and as empathetic human beings we should try and reduce the number of women who

PCOS is made up and so is acne. The only reason to take the pill is because YOU ARE A FORNICATOR!

Hey. Come hang out with us here in NOLA. Best jazz clubs in the world and I have only been harassed once. By a tourist.

Nah, don't be sad. That place was overpriced and gross by the end. Just a relic of racism and nasty carpets.