
You sound military and I will tell you like I tell my other military students. Women are not "females" on the civilian side. You refer to dogs, horses, insects, cattle...etc as "females." Using female as a noun is not only offensive (as it reductive to our genitalia) , but imprecise. I would ask you if you handed in

Not me boy howdy. Give me a fried oyster poboy fully dressed anytime over a gluten free croissant or big bowl of chicken and andouille gumbo or how about some stewed rabbit and dumplings. Oh Lordy, how about some blue crab and crawfish boiled with spicy potatoes? OOooo. Or some 18 hour smoked pork ribs? Yessssssir.

No. It's not hard to find really good writers. I am in a small public university MFA program and everyone (well 90%) of the people I am in this program with are genius writers! I'll bet there are at least nine people on this comment thread who could (and desperately want to) write a banging screenplay. I'm so tired of

Don't forget NOLA!

Weeeeelllll. You're missing the point a bit, mister. With shirtless dudes, advertising is cheeky and fun and generally the women in said ads are portrayed as mild, plain buffoons while the men are confident, powerful, and smart. With ads portraying women as the sexual focus, women are just things with holes to be

Oh man. That is foxy.

Hooray for puppy feet!

Hey. Fuck that. We're feminists here, which means we wear what we want, think how we want, and do what we want, no matter what some dude in your office said. Fuck that guy. He has no right telling you what to do with your body. You dress how you want, girl!

Not a priority for me. I would rather spend my time writing a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I personally cannot understand why people forgo playing more D&D. It makes no sense. My clothes are neat, clean, and hole-free. I think that's good enough. But, there is never enough D&D.

Pleeeeease don't adopt from breeders. Go to your local kill shelter. I wanted a mastiff or newfie or wolfhound really badly so I kept going back to the kill shelter twice a week. I waited for 4 months and finally found the best dog in the entire world. He's my 180 pound American Mastiff and he is so kind and

I care. I care immensely.

1. Zack Galifinakis is a babe. Even more of a babe now.

Buddy...sigh...go back to the The Drudge Report. If someone believe that all women should be enslaved and forced into a rocket ship after their eggs are harvested for the continuation of the human species on earth as a slave race, then sure, they have every right to believe and say it. THEY CAN EVEN HAVE THEIR OWN

Yeah, I don't know. I have pretty severe PCOS and PMDD and I become another person. I care deeply about humanity in my non-hormonal state, but as soon as the red dragon rears her head, I am pretty sure that everyone hates me and is out to get me. So, I become incredibly withdrawn and negative. I cry and think about

This makes me ill. It's abusive and cruel and immoral.

I thought you weren't seeing a therapist.

I realize that. Sorry, I wasn't being clear, I just had to make a little rant. Just a tiny one.

Hey guys. I don't want to thought police it up, but on this guy's blog, he's talking about stalking a woman with some pretty violent and threatening language. I'm pretty afraid for her well-being. Should I/How would I report him to his local authorities?

You need some counselling to deal with that fear of disappointment thing. Not getting a date isn't what's making you unhappy. You're unhappy with you and until you work on you, you really (trust me) really don't want to be in relationship where you are responsible for thinking about another human being's motivations

By your own logic then, you should find a prostitute.