What a lovely and logical idea.
What a lovely and logical idea.
Goddammit America. Why is it so easy to incarcerate someone here, but not to get someone help? This man is dangerous, clearly, could we be a little more proactive, please murica? Please?
Duder. I'm not seeing any links and I just did (a little) research on incel. If you truly believe it isn't about sex and it's something you can't control or help, to the point of asking your own mother to sleep with you, you need to be enrolled in sexual addiction counseling and medicated. A good, heavy dose of SSRIs…
1. Amazing user name.
Ew. Ladysparrow, I hope you did the same for him. I hope you said his penis "was fairly average, not large, actually below average, gets the job done...I guess." and I hope you proceeded to poke his belly and say how "cuuuuuute" it was. How dare he? What a pulsing butthole.
Hey. I don't wear make-up on principle. It's o.k. to have certain principles and stick by them, even if many people you respect don't agree. I don't believe that I should be required to paint my face to look "better" for anyone. Men don't have to. I don't shave either. Why should I spend so much time, energy, and…
CHORE CHART! I scream from the top of my lungs. Make a chore chart. Switch off making the chore chart every week. I lived with my now-husband for 2 years and kept scratching my head as to how to solve the bickering about who does more, who does it right....blah, blah, blah. Then a week ago, it dawned on me. Chore…
OH! Here's a great idea! Teach kids not to have sex and don't provide them condoms. When they get pregnant, make sure they don't have safe access to abortions and instead force them to carry a baby that they will be shunned for! The next person who tells me this isn't a ingrained societal plot to maintain control over…
I haaaaaaate it. Wowee, and I am a really hardcore fantasy fan. It's so lazy, I might as well re-watch "Lost."
Haha. Kiddie porn. Punny.
This...this is gross.
You rule.
I thought Oregon was some bastion of tolerance. Or is Portland, Oregon like Texas in that Austin is the little blue Oasis? I'm genuinely curious. I've never been to the Northwest.
If we build it, they will come.
My friend, just because YOU don't think it's offensive (as a duder—-therefore having no experience on what it feels like to be classified as a person who was deemed to stupid to vote until 1920, to be afraid for your safety every time you step outside, to be told how your body/clothes/hair is supposed to be—by…
Well, it would be a different story if dudes running down the street topless were at risk of being violently assaulted (or at least called horrible, vicious names) because they "were asking for it" by having their pecs or chiseled abs out. Believe me, I walk out of work in a business pants suit and men drive up (every…
Because it's not about sex. It's about power. Let me repeat this. RAPE IS NOT ABOUT SEX. RAPE IS ABOUT POWER.
I'm in the same boat. I can't help but be jealous of some of these posts. My mother hurt me as much as she could and then cried to my father who decided the best medicine was to beat me until my back was bruised. She ignored me until she wanted to tell me how ungroomed, fat and unsuccessful I was. They both nearly…