
Yes indeedy.


Or don't wear 'em. There was a tiny French (they would) study that found if you don't wear a bra, your supporting muscles get stronger and your bewbs will stay actually perkier. Or do wear 'em. Whatever. I personally think they are a device to restrain my movement so I am unable to attain my goal of world

I have a deep, unabiding hate for The Great Gatsby. The prose is soggy and muddled, and really if I could give less of a shit about something, it would be about rich, whiny white folks. Yes. Yes. I know. It's about disillusionment and injustice. It's about unrequited love and the sins of our fathers. I have read it

We're working on it here in the South. I keep asking people if they want to be as embarrassed as we were the first go-around with civil rights.

Adopt! Gotta get my plug in, it doesn't work as well with lion cub videos.

Whatever. Punk is Metal's dumb, hyperactive little brother.

Indeed. May I recommend some Amy Hempel? That's some mature prose.

Preach. Shaming women with anorexia is detrimental to our cause. We aren't here to shame bodies. We are here to protect each other as women. There are enough people out there telling us how to look, let's not tear one another down.

Aw. Dang it. My husband is an alcoholic and is 3 weeks clean. I am standing in solidarity with him and also not drinking. Will you guys all have an extra glass for me? Imisssssssssswine. Also, could someone please explain hashtags to me?

Awww. That's really logical and compassionate. That's why it wouldn't fly here.

Can I steal this to say to the next privileged-ass Republican baby boomer I speak with? Y'all know it will eventually come up .

I find the opposite in my classes. The majority of my students want to work their asses off. I have never seen so many revisions in my life. They are really, really hoofing it.

"Adam, are you flexing?"

Lindy, thank Jesus on a cross that you're here.

You "wear" skirts to "where" you're going. Also, who cares? It's not your body and it's not yours to dress.

No one should be shamed for their body. Period. It doesn't matter if one end of the spectrum is "worse" than the other. It's simply NOT RIGHT/Not anyone else's business to shame or comment on how thin/fat someone looks.

Hahahahahah! You: 1 Internet:0

I don't get it.

It ain't just the South. LA isn't incredibly progressive either, particularly their police department. Neither is the Midwest, threatening women's rights and squelching gay rights. And come to think of it, there are still hate crimes being committed against Asian Americans and American Indians in the Northwest. Ah