
Um. I never wear makeup. Not ever. I teach at a university and simply can not be bothered. The stuff breaks me and smells weird. Not one person (with the exception of my anal retentive Jewish mother) has ever said one word about it. Most of my colleagues don't wear makeup. More power to you if you have the patience


My husband just walked into the room and looked at that asshat and said "OOOOO Help ME! MY PEEPEE IS SO SMALL!" and walked out.


You're a female what? Panda? Aardvark? Human?

Yes, because it is so easy to find work in Physical Education these days with federal budget cuts. Most private schools are indeed religious, and most public schools don't have the dollars to hire someone new for P.E. Also, fuck that. If one never worked where they were hated then the civil rights movement would have


Good plan. No matter what gender or relational establishment I am making, I make sure they don't want to stick needles in my pelvis or set my house on fire or even are just dicks. Ignore the misandry remarks. You ARE doing the right thing.

Um. She stays young because she's rich.

Smoke some sweet, sweet green. Then, take a vitamin and drink a ton o' water.

Here's how to be the worst person at Mardi Gras. Follow the list above, but make sure to be extra patronizing to the locals. Tell us how dirty/scary our city is, then proceed to say how "friendly" everyone is though. Finish with saying really inappropriate things to black people because you're too drunk to be a

What's a glorious garage?


I agree wholly with you. She has bad skin and small eyes in the book. The point that Hollywood has a problem with, is that one can feel deep empathy with unattractive people. The industry seems to believe that an actor/actress must be conventionally attractive for the audience to relates to them and therefore buy

Huhuhuhuuuu carez? Indeed.

So, just an aside. I was explaining to one of my ESL students the difference between having an amount versus a number of something. She looked at me and asked "So, no amount of people?" to which I offhandedly replied, "Not unless it's soylent green." She was unimpressed. In conclusion, let's have an amount of the


Holla. Preach. That's right.

Wow. You should really reevaluate. what you said is everything we stand against here. Hate speech is hate speech, no matter under what guise.

Hey! That was my fantasy too! Get out of my head.