
Dumb article is dumb. Manatee grey is available in petite too. Also, its a towel color. Beck, like I tell my Marines students, wait until you FINISH writing to have that third rum and coke.

Have you been to Jersey? How about Montana or Northern California?

Well, that was awesome. But, it sure as shit can't be unseen.


Bars never close here. NOLA!


I got a joke for you. How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? Bring another Baptist.

I am so conflicted about this as a feminist/womanist.

You're my favorite.

Whoa buddy. There are Jane Austen scholars and Buffy The Vampire Scholars. The bible is a huge a canonical book of a grand mythos that shaped most of Europe (and by insane imperialism—-the colonies) It's part of why you're writing English so fluently and why my people couldn't get into country clubs.

Does it pass the Bechdel test? If the trailers is half-nekked girls, I am always a touch leary.

Just...for everyone's edification, don't go over to Gawker and look at comments. It's pretty painful and very much a trigger.

Oh. There's non-violent rape? This makes me so furious.

We could hang out and do that together.

They did not give me the drugs fro HIV when I was raped, because they said the risks of the drugs outweigh the chance that I had HIV, which in Male to Female transmission is .01%.

Has everyone seen "The Business of Being Born?" This documentary addresses the extremely high number of C-Sections in the U.S. particularly. It's pretty informational, even if you're skeptical about midwives and water births and such.

She seems pretty harmless honestly. I don't have the energy to hate the Kardashians. I'm saving it all up for the Republican Party.

Holla. We call it murder sex.

I've never had a bad shepherd either, but my mastiff was gang attacked by two (unneutered) pit bulls at the dog park. They ripped his face open while he cried, he's 180 pounds and was literally laying under a table when they dashed up. One of them bit me and broke every metacarpal in my hand. The pits' owner couldn't…

Love you.