
$40 on Ryan Reynolds. Wait... I fucked this up didn’t I.

My turn. I have adopted a Collusion Rider; it stipulates everyone on set must speak Russian during a weekly Golden Shower party.

That’s two different battles. So long as that history lesson 50 years from now starts out “and that was when gun ownership started to drop like a rock in the US” who gets the credit is less important.

I love this movie and I don’t give a fuck if you know! I rather watch this 50 more times than watch Justice league once. (For the record, I fell asleep watching JL both times I tried to see it)

We need more films and art in general about the WWI. It was so pointless, so arrogant, so terrible. It directly led to WWII, and therefore to the present world. Many of today’s conflicts are driven by grievences that steam from WWI.

So in other words, this is all the fault of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.

We should arm everyone with bombs. The only way to stop a bad guy with a bomb is a good guy with a bomb.

Wayne LaPierre, NBA

ADV Films was based in my city, and they helped blow up the anime scene in the ’90s. I’m glad I grew up in that era, because we would trade anime and Newtype magazines in middle school and high school.

The AV Club has become a completely judgemental shithole, hasnt it? Is there a safe place for anyone these days? I cant walk out my front door without being ridiculed for something.

What’s all this shit about the attitudes of people at different grocery stores? You all are some insecure mothers. I go to all kinds of different grocery stores depending on where I happen to be when I go grocery shopping. There’s a Whole Foods next to my office, a regular grocery store next to my house, a Sprouts

I got you.

This soundtrack is probably #1 on the list of CD’s every Gen Xer owns.

“Fuck you.”

Yeah, I was coming here to call that out, too. A huge part of the current AV Club is sponsored content, and yet.. “you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense”? Actually, I do! But you do not. The Spike Jonze ad thing might just have been a bad headline, but it’s not like there aren’t a bunch of

Oh my God this site. This is an article about a great advertisement tinged with virtue signaling (congrats on not LARPing with the non-prostitutes, though) on a web site that is now like half sponsored content. How do I even know where the marketing ends and the journalism begins. I guess it’s sort of poetic that

You guys are some talented people, but face it, commercial interests dominate your site’s web design. AV Club’s design has become downright antagonistic. Ffs have you tried using this site on an older mobile device? Nightmare. Seriously any “cynicism” or “wokeness” or “realness” you guys might once have been able to

“general cynicism for promotional nonsense” lol you’re thinking of pre-Kinja AV Club bud. Every single article on your site has an auto-play video embedded right in the middle of it. Some articles are preceded, interrupted by, AND footnoted with advertisements. This “entertainment criticism” website has a section

I want him to join the parade of aging QBs who have dropped into Minnesota for one last, failed title run.

I’m not even a Vikings fan, Drew, but if Brees ends up in Minnesota, I will also shit your pants.

In the end it seems the Nazis didn’t need rocket packs to take Washington.