
There’s this small sushi place my buddies and go to that plays trance, electro-house and dance music.

Yes, but it also plays into his “most attacked president in history” narrative and by Wednesday, he’ll be saying it was just a small group Democratic representatives and he heard they had paid some people off to boo him. Probably illegal immigrants taking those booing jobs away from real Americans who love him, but

I don’t know about that. I’ve heard women can be too emotionally unstable to be good leaders. That’s why we need a man to keep things going on an even keel without becoming totally unhinged over every little thing.

1. Ben Franklin, for reasons previously stated.

George Carlin. Three times, because the realization Donald Trump is president would kill him again the first two.

“Either I get my first choice or the whole world can burn, because I am the only one who matters.”

One of my favorite scenes of the season, and perhaps the whole show, was in that last episode, although I suspect that it might be a divisive one. It was during the Tyrion/Jon discussion where Tyrion pointed out all the horrible things Daenarys had done that all of them had accepted and cheered on as the people who

Has the tone of online fandom made it impossible for basically any genre series to have a consensus satisfying ending, though? Too many Extremely Online fans, too many headcanons, too many hot takes - this could never end well, for the 2019 definition of ‘well’.

Love the progression of Tyrion’s arrests:
1) Didn’t do it and would never want to.
2) Didn’t do it, but would gladly want to.
3) Yes I did it and would do it all over again.

So Drogon ends up being the smartest character of the show, decimating, not Jon, but Dany’s true killer, the Iron Throne.

By making Bran the king, implicit is the message that we need leaders who know and understand history properly. Those who don’t are bound to repeat the mistakes of past. 

What an amazing shot

As expedient as the season was, I thought it was kind of poignant that Dany never got the chance to even sit on the throne - even for a second - after she’d “won” it.

Drogon melting the Iron Throne was worth the price of admission.

The biggest antagonist through the series was the Iron Throne, and it got the best death.

That was a lovely finale. It felt a lot like a first season episode–a lot of discourse on rule and power with a bit of humor. Very happy they chose this route instead of another battle episode, although I already see people complaining it was ‘anticlimactic’. (I’m sure if it ended in another major war the same people

I don’t think Drogon “went nuts”.  He melted the Iron Throne intentionally, knowing that it was Daenerys’ desire for it that ultimately killed her.

And with that, GOT comes to an end.

The only way that could have been better is if they’d listened to Sam and instituted a representative government. Perfect ending.

Can I say something being the second oldest dude here? Game of Thrones premiered April 17, 2011. A sane man occupied the White House, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed, Saddam Hussein dead, Occupy Wall Street, The HARRY POTTER movies ended, and Gabriel Giffords survived a senseless attack. The excitement